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论文摘要 大学作为青年学子进一步深造的地方,除了其必备的软件设施如师资水平如何、学校定位的高低及学风学纪的营造外,其配套的硬件设施如校园环境的规划、建筑类型的合理设置及布局也将对学子的人格建构、精神塑造、学习动力产生深远的影响,因此对开放性、功能性、生态化及人文性校园建设理念的追求,当成为现代大学校园建设的方向。本文将从建大标志性建筑、静态型建筑和动态型入手进行分析,以期通过对此的分析,从学校建设的角度,看其在未来教书育人发展的过程中,校园建筑对学校发展所起的作用,也通过分析,看我校东、南新校区的规划,以使我校在今后的发展中继承优秀的设计规划理念,在同类大学中能够脱颖而出。 关键词:西安建筑科技大学,校园建筑美学,静态美,动态美 Abstract University of further education as young students of the local, In addition to its required level of software facilities such as how teachers, school location and style of study of the level of discipline in creating the school, its the hardware supporting facilities such as campus planning, building type and layout of a reasonable set of students will also have a personality construct, to shape the spirit of learning have a profound impact on motivation, This article from the Xian University of Science and Technology landmark building construction, building static and dynamic analysis of type start, with a view to the adoption of this analysis, from the perspective of the school building to see the future of teaching in the process of development, construction of school campus The role of development, but also through the analysis, look at our school, east and south of the new campus planning, to make our school in the future development of the succession of excellent design and planning concepts, in the same university to come to the fore. Key Words: Xian University of Architecture and Technology,Campus Architectural Aesthetics,US-static,Dynamic U.S. 目录 1 绪论 4 2正论 5 2.1标志建筑:(1)校门,工科大楼; 5 (2)校史馆,贾平凹文学艺术馆 5 2.1.1校门:中轴对称 6 2.1.2大学生活动中心:流线美 7 2.1.3行政楼:端庄 8 2.1.4工科大楼:挺健 8 2.2静态建筑:藏风聚气 9 2.2.1教学型静态建筑 9 2.2.2艺术情感熏陶型建筑 11 2.3动态美为主的有:空间立体发展 12 2.3.1运动场:梯级上升的动态美 12 2.3.2住宿条件:温馨暖人 12 3结论 13 参考文献 15 致谢 16 1 绪论 大学作为青年学子进一步深造的地方,除了其必备的软件设施如师资水平如何、学校定位的高低及学风学纪的营造外,其配套的硬件设施如校园环境的规划、建筑类型的合理设置及布局也将对学子的人格建构、精神塑造、学习动力产生深远的影响,因此对开放性、功能性、生态化及人文性校园建设理念的追求,当成为现代大学校园建设的方向。西安建筑科技大学自1895年由东北工学院、西北工学院、青岛工学院和苏南工业专科学校这四所学校合并发展至今,历经了一百多年的办学历史,现在已经由一座以工程学科为主体的专科型大学发展为工科、文科


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