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* 本期专家组 武娟 段浩明 翟春美 王聪 刘梦蕾 (排名不分先后~\(≧▽≦)/~) Contents Chapter One Famous Scenery Chapter Two Folk Art Chinese places of historic interest and scenic beauty 八 秦始皇陵 七 承德避暑山庄 六 台湾日月潭 五 长江三峡 四 北京故宫 三 杭州西湖 二 桂林山水 一 万里长城 返回 Discussion on the protection of places of historic interest and scenic beauty 中 国 民 俗 民 风 1. Kite 2. Shadow play 3. The Briefing of Sugar Figurine 4. Paper-cut 5. Cloth Tiger 6. Clay sculpture Kite Shadow play The Briefing of Sugar Paper-cut Cloth Tiger Clay sculpture Discussion on analysis about chinese folk arts * * * As one of the four ancient civilizations birthplaces and the third largest country of the world, China is a beautiful and mysterious place attracting the travelers all around the world. In this 9,600,000 Square kilometers land,there are so many places of interest located showing the glory of our nation. Whatever the beautiful scenery that the nature endowed us or the cultural sites that our ancestors left for us are all valuable treasures. * * * * * * * * * As one of the four ancient civilizations birthplaces and the third largest country of the world, China is a beautiful and mysterious place attracting the travelers all around the world. In this 9,600,000 Square kilometers land,there are so many places of interest located showing the glory of our nation. Whatever the beautiful scenery that the nature endowed us or the cultural sites that our ancestors left for us are all valuable treasures. * * * * *


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