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网络聊天系统的设计与实现 摘要 21世纪络时Internet的普及己经响传统络统计络发产为见广联认Web的网络应统络统有着广泛应间对联的发起着动给们带来了变为虚拟会场广泛应们个传资论络统设计实现绍统设计关背实现统术进统总设计对统模块的数库设计统开发统实现设计详细绍个块的关键实现关键词 Applet Abstract The 21st century is an era of networks; the penetration of the Internet has affected the traditional modes of communication. The Internet chat room system is the product of the computer network development; it is a Web-based application which is the most common and most accepted by the majority of Internet users. The Internet chat room system has a very wide range of applications of space; it plays an important role in promoting the development of its Internet, and has brought revolutionary changes to the peoples means of communication. As a virtual community of information exchange places, the Chat room has a very wide use, almost applied to every area of people’s working and living such as: the exchange of information, file transfer, the sharing of resources and so on. This article discusses the design and implementation of integrity of the Internet chat room system. Firstly, this paper introduced the background and purpose of the system design and the technology that the present system used. Then gave the overall design of the system, including a division of the module of the system, the design of the database, the configuration of the system development tools, and the design pattern analysis which is used by the achievement of the system, it also described the use of the various functional modules and the realization of the key functions in detail. Keywords Chat JavaScrip Applet 目 录 摘要 II Abstract III 1 绪论 1 1.1 问题的提出 1 1.2 目前网络聊天室的现状 1 1.3 系统设计目标 2 2聊天系统的关键技术分析 3 2.1 ASP技术的研究 3 2.1.1 ASP的含义 3 2.1.2 ASP的特点 3 2.2 JavaScript脚本语言分析 4 2.3 IIS组件分析 4 2.4 Access数据库分析 6 2.4.1 数据库简介 6 2.4.2 Access的特点 6 2.5 Dreamweaver MX 2004 7 2.6 本章小结 8 3 需求分析和可行性分析 9 3.1 需求分析 9 3.1.1 功能分析 9 3.1.2性能需求 9 3.2 可行性分析 10 3.2.1 技术可行性分析 10 3.2.2 经济可行性分析 10 3.2.3 社会因素可行性分析 11 3.3 本章小结 11 4 系统设计 12 4.1 总体功能设计 12


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