英语文学赏析Lecture 5-English poetry.ppt

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在第三节中,诗人交代尽管“我”对另一条路也是留恋的,但却宁愿走一条别人很少走的路。这表明了“我”不愿随俗的心迹,沿着选定的路走下去的决心。但从中我们也可以看到此处流露出了一些踌躇,一丝矛盾,可这并非担心自己的选择是一个错误,而是对人只能选择一条路而感到的遗憾。 接下来的第四节,“我”遥想到未来或许会回首往事,或许会意识到此时路的选择决定了一生的命运。这里诗人将全诗的思绪推到了最高潮,他将“黄色树林”里的两条路与可能不同的人生道路结合了起来,让我们意识到这偶然的选择或许会影响到一个人的一生,诗歌在这里戛然而止,为读者留下了想像与思索的空间。 诗歌的题目是“未选择的路”,在写实层面诗人描写的是在一个树林中,人对不同道路的选择,但我们不难看出,诗歌中所描写的岔路就是人生岔路的象征。 The Road Not Taken Reading in depth What were the similarities and differences of the two roads? Similarity: both roads are roads leading to the future. Difference: one is a smooth road ; the other one is full of difficulties and unknowns Why did the speaker choose the less traveled road instead of the other? He didn’t want to follow the others, he want to experience the unknown things, to experience what the other people cannot experience. Discussion Have you had the experience of choosing from different roads of life? What has been your choice? Why have you made it? One Word Is Too Often Profaned by Percy Bysshe Shelly Quotations : Fear not for the future, weep not for the past. O, wind, if winter comes, can spring be far behind? 作者简介 波西.比希.雪莱(Percy Bysshe Shelley, 1792---1822), 是英国杰出的的浪漫主义诗人。出身贵族家庭,从伊顿公学毕业后入牛津大学学习。雪莱受卢梭(Jean Jacques Rousseau),和葛德汶(William Godwin)的影响形成了无神论和空想社会主义思想。多部作品批判封建这度的专横和资本主义的剥削。 主要作品有:Queen Mab 《麦布女王》;Prometheus Unbound 《解放了的普罗米修斯》;ode to the west wind 《西风颂》;ode to s skylark 《云雀颂》;a defense of peotry 《诗辩》; 等。 One Word Is Too Often Profaned One word is too often profaned For me to profane it, One feeling too falsely disdained For thee to disdain it; One hope is too like despair For prudence to smother, And pity from thee more dear Than that from another, One Word Is Too Often Profaned I can give not what men call love, But wilt thou accept not The worship the heart lifts above And the Heavens reject not, — The desire of the moth for the star, Of the night for the morrow, The devotion to something afar Form the sphere of our sorrow? 注释:


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