英语短篇小 说赏析 全套课件.pptx

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Chapter I Plot and Structure Plot, together with character, setting, theme, language and style, compose the basic elements of fictions and short stories. It is the pattern of actions and events in a literary work, and in a loose sense, refers to the chief events logically hanging together to shape the structure of a fiction. In Poetics (4th century B.C.) Aristotle insists that a plot be more than just arrangement of incidents, and function as a governing principle of development and coherence, to which other elements (including character) must be subordinated.* In fact, plot, theme and character are taken as interdependent elements, selected and arranged in some specific way to meet the writer’s purpose when a fiction is composed. There are a variety of plot forms. Usually speaking, a fiction is presented to the reader as an organic whole, with one thing bringing on another in a chronological order. But the time sequence, with the “natural” order and duration, is not always valid in story-telling when particular artistic effect is demanded. Therefore, some plots are designed to achieve the effects of comedy, and some the effects of tragedy, romance, and satire etc.. Ordinarily, a plot has certain natural stages: the beginning, the middle, and the end. The beginning, known also as exposition, indicates that the story will develop from the assumptions in the opening scene. The middle is called complication, and it presumes something gone and requires something to follow. The highest tension-climax is often seen in this part when conflict reveals itself. Then there comes the end, or the denouement, which means the solution to the problem.* Fictional structure has great concern with plot design, which requires logic connections of the incidents to bring out the cause-and-effect relationship in the story. It can be defined as organization and shape of a fiction, both of which are determined by the internal logic exhibited by the plot. Linear form structure (beginning-m


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