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5 1 生命科学研究 Vol.5 No . 1 2001 3 Life Science Research M ar. 2001 a 龚 萍, 李国林, 印大中 ( , 4 10081) : 老年色素类荧光物质是人体基本生命过程中多种生化副反应的终 物. 其中主要有与脂过氧化相关 的通过不饱和羰基化合物与蛋白质交联而形成的荧光物质; 有通过糖基化/ 美拉德反应而形成的糖基化终 物; 有多聚烯起源的蓄存在视网膜色素上皮中的老年色素; 另外, 许多A, B-不饱和醛酮与核苷酸反应也能形成 老年色素类生化聚合物. 通过对老年色素形成的生化过程的研究发现, 羰氨反应导致生物大分子的交联进而 形成老年色素的过程是生物体内极为重要的与老化相关的生物毒化过程. : 老年色素;衰老; 羰基化合物; 基化; 氧化伤害 : Q5 4; R339. 38: A : 1007-7847( 001) 01-0019-06 - Biochemical Basis of Age Pigment like Fluorophores GON G Ping, LI Guo-lin, YIN Da-zhong (L abor atory of A g ing B iochemstry , Colleg e of L if e S ciences, H unan N or mal Univ er sity , Chang sha 4 10081, H unan , China) Abstract: Age pigment-like fluorophores ( A PFs) are mainly the end-products of various side- . , - reactions of essential biological processes Among these the lipid peroxidation related fluorophores formed via aldehyde-protein crosslinking are of general importance. Fluorescent advanced glycation end-products formed during glycation M aillard reactions, are carbohydrate-associated age pigment- like substances. Age pigments, particularly those identified in retinal pigment epithelium, represent . , - another type of age pigment that originates from polyenic biomolecules Various A B unsaturated aldehydes can also react w ith the amino groups of nucleotides to induce biological alteration. Although age pigments can be produced from different types of biological materials, the crosslinking of carbonyl


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