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Asia Assets Limited Brochure (Draft) 公司概览 Company Profile 公司简介 Company Overview 亚洲资产有限公司创建于2001年,总部位于中国,是一家管理着超过10亿美元资产的全球性私人资产管理公司。我们专注于战略性股权投资、私募股权基金、管理层收购、并购、再融资及重组、成长基金募集等业务。我们是一家快速发展的公司,具有在私募股权基金领域内领先的行业经验及精深的行业知识、完善的业务发展流程,以及全球化视野下的本地洞察力。 Established in 2001 headquartered in China, we are a global private asset management firm with more than $1billion under management. We specialize in strategic minority equity investment, equity private placement, management buyout, mergers acquisitions, refinancing restructuring, and growth fund financing. We are a fast-growing firm with industry-leading private equity experience, in-depth industry knowledge, sophisticated processes for growing and improving businesses, and a global vision with local insight. 在把握任何一个投资机会的同时,我们特别关注亚洲资产所擅长的投资领域:电信、传媒、清洁能源、互联网科技、零售、医疗、金融服务及房地产。 While open to opportunities wherever they can be found, we focus on sectors in which we have demonstrated expertise: Telecommunications Media, Clean Energy, Internet and Electronics Technology, Consumer Retail, Healthcare, Financial Services and Real Estate. 利用我们多年来累积的经验及知识,我们亦从事资本市场的业务并为客户提供财务咨询服务。 We also engage in capital markets transactions and financial advisory services that capitalize on the experience and knowledge that we have accumulated throughout our history. 在一个信息泛滥的世界,洞察力常常成为稀缺资源。我们能有效利用我们的投资专家所具有的远见卓识,在项目寻找、尽职调查及被投资企业管理等诸多投资环节紧密合作。由此,我们更能洞悉潜在投资机会且具备更为强大的业务实力,为被投资企业创造更多价值,进而为投资者带来优异回报。 In a world awash with information, insight is often in short supply. We have the ability to leverage the insight of our investment professionals, collaborating across our investment disciplines from deal sourcing and due diligence through portfolio company development. The result: a broader view of potential investment opportunities and deeper level of expertise, creating value for our portfolio companies that translates into superior returns for our investors. 资产管理规模 Asset under Management 价值观 Values 我们珍视一种能蕴育投资范


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