Native American Tobacco Pipes - Mac OS X Server:美国土著烟管- MAC OS X服务器.ppt

Native American Tobacco Pipes - Mac OS X Server:美国土著烟管- MAC OS X服务器.ppt

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Native American Tobacco Pipes - Mac OS X Server:美国土著烟管- MAC OS X服务器

Native American Tobacco Pipes By: Shayan Mondegari Derrick Vu Peace Pipe A peace pipe, also called a calumet or medicine pipe, is a ceremonial smoking pipe used by many Native American tribes, traditionally as a token of peace. It was used as a major means of communication with the spiritual world. The pipe was actually used in both of war and peace. A leader of a war expedition carried a pipe as a symbol of his leadership and his responsibilities for members of his party. During ceremonies, the pipe was smoked to ask for protection and success and to seek guidance on the expedition. Pipe ceremonies also took place to establish alliances between different tribal peoples and in councils before important deliberations were to take place. Origin Founded by Lakota from a mysterious lady who says that they must smoke tobacco out of the pipe before all ceremonies to bring peaceful thoughts into their minds. They must use it when they pray to the Strong One above and to Mother Earth to ensure that they receive their blessings. Black Elk, a medicine man or shaman, of the Oglala Sioux Indians (Lakota), predicted that his people would bring forth beneficial change to the next generation. He predicted that the pipe, and the respectful pipe holder, would be required to establish a spiritual basis for this nation. How the Pipe is Made Several materials have been employed in making the pipe: pipestone, bone, wood, and clay. The bowl of the pipe is cut from one piece. In a procedure that takes about eight hours, the pipe is gradually carved and ground from one piece of pipestone, and then the bowl and stem hole are carefully hollowed out, using a simple drill. The pipestone is oiled with grease, which gives it its distinctive bright red appearance. Sometimes clay is gathered, molded into a pipe, dried, and then fired in a fire pit. Bones, wood, and shell have been used, depending on their availability. The stem of the pipe is wood or reed decorated with feathers or porcu


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