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摘 要 筹资管理是指公司根据其生产经营、对外投资和调整需要,通过筹资渠道和资本市场,运用筹资方式,经济有效地为公司筹集所需的资本的财务行为。筹资管理的目的为Abstract The meaning of financing management is a financial behavior that the company according to the production and operation, foreign investment and the need of adjusting the capital structure, through the financing channels and capital market, use of finance approach, to raise the required capital for the company economy effectively. financing management抯 purposes is to expand its production scale, to improve economic efficiency, if investment projects can not be achieved the expected benefits, the level of company profitability and solvency risks will be affected. The correct method of financing is not only from the companys economic interests, but also can improve the companys economic efficiency. The prevention of financing risk can promote the development of the company healthily. So, the problems in the financing management and the countermeasures for them have become the first link and content for the companys financial financing management. This article analyses the problems exist in the financing management of Zhengqing Company first, such as the choice of the ways of information, the risks in financing; and then, analyses the reasons lead to these problems, is the unfortunate choice in financing and the cause of fundraising risk within the company; at last, puts forward the ways to solve these problems, such as strengthen internal management, the management and control of the fundraising risk and so on. Key words: Financing management; Zhen Qing Company; Fundraising risk; Financing way 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 绪 论 1 1 筹资概述 2 1.1筹资的概念 2 1.2筹资的方式及风险 2 1.2.1主要筹资方式 2 1.2.2筹资中的风险 3 1.3青岛正青公司简介 3 2 正青公司筹资管理存在的问题与成因 5 2.1正青公司筹资管理存在的问题 5 2.1.1筹资方式单一 5 2.1.2负债规模大 5 2.1.3应收账款不能及时收回 6 2.2正青公司筹资管理存在问题的原因分析 7 2.2.1公司外部原因分析 7 2.2.2公司内部原因分析 9 3 正青公司筹资管理问题的对策 11 3.1公司外部问题的对策 11 3.1.1建立规范的法人治理结构 11 3.1.2完善金融机构体系 11 3.2公司内部问题的对策 11 3.2.1强


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