Life Cycle of a Frog - Amphitheater Public Schools:一只青蛙-生命周期的圆形剧场的公立学校.ppt

Life Cycle of a Frog - Amphitheater Public Schools:一只青蛙-生命周期的圆形剧场的公立学校.ppt

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Life Cycle of a Frog - Amphitheater Public Schools:一只青蛙-生命周期的圆形剧场的公立学校

Life Cycle of a Frog Compiled by Angel Van Horn RCOE, The Copernicus Project Metamorphosis Metamorphosis is the changes that a frog goes through during its life cycle. There are four main stages in the life cycle of a frog. Frogs have a life cycle with two parts, living in water as tadpoles and on land as adults. Egg The first stage in the life cycle of the frog is the egg. A frog lays many eggs at one time. The eggs are covered with a jellylike coating. Frog Eggs Eggs in a Pond Tadpole The second stage of the frog life cycle is the tadpole. Hatched tadpoles have gills for breathing in the water. They have a tail, but no legs. As a tadpole grows, lungs begin to form. Froglet The next stage of the frog life cycle is the froglet. These legs help the frog on land. Adult Frog Once the lungs form and begin to work, the gills and tail disappear. The adult frog is now ready to live on land. Frog Riddles Q:? Why are frogs always happy?? A: Because they always eat what bugs them! Q: What kind of frog do you find on a farm? A: A bullfrog! More Frogs! What is the first stage of the frog life cycle? The first stage of the frog life cycle is the egg. What is the next stage of the frog life cycle? The next stage of the frog life cycle is the tadpole. What is the last stage of the frog life cycle? The last stage of the frog life cycle is the adult frog. Ribbit! Resources /~mhasan/cuin3113/tips/frogcycle.ppt /files7/froglifecycleactivity.doc /sci-units/frog-cycle.ppt /encyclopedia_761552464/Frog_(animal).html Images provided by Google Image Search.


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