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对loadrunner中的帮助文档部分常用函数进行整理,类似的放在一起。 可以使用文档结构图方便查看(视图(V)=文档结构图)。 收获:了解了在loadruuner常用的函数,复习了计算机英语。 C Language Functions 字符串操作函数(String Manipulation Functions) strcat:Concatenates two strings.连接2个字符串 char *strcat(char *to,char *from); to The string at the end of which the from string is concatenated.被连接的字符串 from The string concatenated to the end of the to string.连接到to所指字符串末尾的字符串 strcpy:Copies one string to another.复制一个字符串到另一个中 char *strcpy( char *dest, const char *source ); dest The destination string into which source is copied.被复制进去的目标字符串 source The string that is copied. 被复制的字符串 注意在Vugen文件中,必须明确声明C函数不返回整数 eg.下面的例子使用strcpy复制“c:\\tmp”字符串到字符数组fullpath中,使用strcat为一个目录名称fullpath追加一个反斜线,然后为fullpath追加文件名称。 char fullpath[1024], * filename = logfile.txt; ????strcpy(fullpath, c:\\tmp); ????strcat(fullpath, \\); ????strcat(fullpath, filename); ????lr_output_message (Full path of file is %s, fullpath); 输出Output: Action.c(9): Full path of file is c:\tmp\logfile.txt strchr:Returns the pointer to the first occurrence of a character in a string.返回字符串中首次出现指定字符的位置。 char *strchr( const char *string, int c );(不明白这里为什么是int类型的?????) string The string that is searched.被查找的字符串 c The character that is searched for in the string.在字符串被查找的字符 strrchr:Finds the last occurrence of a character in a string.找出字符串中最后一次出现指定字符的位置。 char *strrchr( const char *string, int c ); string The string that is searched.被查找的字符串 c The character that is searched for in the string. 在字符串被查找的字符 注意在Vugen文件中,必须明确声明C函数不返回整数 eg. 下面的例子使用strchr在string的字符串中查找字符x的首次出现的位置,使用strrchr查找字符x的最后一次出现的位置。 char * string = His Excellency the Duke of Exeter; ?char * first_x, * last_x; first_x = (char *)strchr(string, x); lr_output_message (The first occurrence of x: %s, first_x); last_x = (char *)strrchr(string, x); lr_output_message (The last occurrence of x: %s, last_x); 输出Output: Action.c(7): The first occurrence of x: xcellency the Duke of Exeter Action.c(10): The last occurrence of x: xeter strcmp:Compares two s


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