Wuthering Heights剧情及人物介绍 英文.doc

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Wuthering Heights剧情及人物介绍 英文

Wuthering Heights Characters and the relationships between them 恩萧(欧肖)先生 Mr.Earnshaw ———— 呼啸山庄主人 辛德雷·恩萧 Hindley Earnshaw —— 其 子 凯瑟琳·恩萧Catherine Earnshaw—其女,小名凯蒂Cathy 希斯克厉夫 Heathcliff ——— 恩萧抚养的孤儿 弗兰西斯 Frances ———— 辛德雷之妻 哈里顿·恩萧Hareton Earnshaw —— 辛德雷之子 丁耐莉 Nelly Dean ————— 女管家,又名艾伦Ellen 保姆 Nanny 约瑟夫 Joseph ————— 呼啸山庄的老仆人 林敦先生 Mr。Linton ———— 画眉田庄主人 埃德加·林敦敦Edgar Linton —— 其子,后娶凯瑟琳·恩萧 伊莎贝拉·林敦 —Isabella Linton其女,后嫁希刺克厉夫 凯瑟琳·林敦——Catherine Linton 埃德加与凯瑟琳之女,亦名凯蒂林·希刺克厉夫 洛克乌德先生 Mr Lockwood —— 房 客 肯尼兹医生Dr. Kenneth ——— 当地医生 齐 拉 Zillah ————— 呼啸山庄的女仆 画眉山庄 Hwamei Villa In Gothic novels, the shaping of the characters is a commonly used vehicle for giving expression to the gothic ingredient. This is particularly true of Emily’s Wuthering Heights. When we open this book, we can see various terrifying characters. The first character is the hero Heathcliff. He seems to be an inhuman monster. Being a son of the storm, his behavior is flooded with Gothic color: cruel, imperious, and he stoops to anything to get what he wants. What’s more, the love between Catherine and him goes beyond the common limit and is quite abnormal compared with love in other works of her age. The entire action of the story takes place within the two houses-Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange and on the moors lie between. The principal character, Heathcliff, around whom all the action revolves, emerges as starkly as Wuthering Heights. He may be thought of as the personification of the house. There is an analogy between his appearance and his character and that of the Heights itself. When Mr. Lockwood, the tenant of Thrushcross Grange, pays his visit to Wuthering Heights, curious about the brooding quality and crumbing, menacing appearance of the Heights and the inscription over the door- the date ‘1500’and the name ‘Hareton Earnshaw’, Mr. Lockwood would like to ask his landlord about this, but Heathcliff proves to be unsociable, inhospitable, and brusque. “The ‘walk i



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