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Mollydooker中国区域市场开发计划书 Analysis of Chinese Market Development for Mollydooker 一、公司简介及总体目标 I. Introduction and Overall Objective of Our Company 我公司成立于1991年5月,公司前身是一家做汽车轮胎代理的销售公司,2005年主营项目转为房地产开发。旗下现有北京、太原各一处子公司(北京中泰开源投资股份有限公司,主营业务为投资咨询、投资管理、销售等;太原市盛达隆轮胎销售有限公司,主营轮胎代理及销售。)我公司具有较强的经济实力,并且有丰富的产品销售及代理经验。公司将提供最好的服务给客户,让其满意。 Founded in May 1991, our company was formerly known as a sales agent of car tires. The companys main business was transferred into real estate development in 2005. We have established two subsidiaries respectively in Beijing and Taiyuan (of which Beiijng Zhontai Kaiyuan Investment Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in investment consulting, management and sales while Taiyuan Shengdalong Tire Sales Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in tire agency and sales.). Our company has strong economic strength and enriched sales and agency experience. We will provide the best and satisfactory services to our customers. 总目标:提高消费者对产品的接触率,提高产品在葡萄酒市场上的占有率。 社会效益目标:扩大Mollydooker的知名度,强化其在消费者心中的地位。 General objectives: to improve the contact rate of between consumers and products, to promote the market share of our wine products. Social objectives: to expand the popularity of Mollydooker, to strengthen its position in the minds of consumers. 二、计划说明 II. Descriptions of Plan 随着人民生活水平日益提高,人们更加注重饮食的营养和保健,餐饮文化越来越普及。中国成为了世界上葡萄酒消费增长最快的市场。近年来,世界葡萄酒传统消费国的消费量基本维持原有水平,唯独中国市场异军突起,葡萄酒销量不断攀升。这让全球葡萄酒厂商趋之若鹜。 People start to pay more attention to diet nutrition and healthcare and food culture is becoming increasingly popular as peoples living standards are improving. China is currently a fastest-growing market for wine consumption in the world. In recent years, the consumption of wine by worlds traditional wine consuming countries are stabilized with the exception of the sudden emergence of the Chinese market, wine sales in China continue to rise and that why it is favored by global wine manufacturers. 三、目前国内红酒市场分析 III. Analysis of Domestic Wine Market (一)葡萄酒行业是一个朝阳产业,未来发展空间很大。 (1) The wine industry is


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