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Unit 1 Translation into Chinese 2【mathematical analysis 数学归纳法】 【algebra 代数】 【calculus 微积分】 【function 函数】 【probability theory 概率论】 【matrix 矩阵】 【equation 等式,方程式】 【geometry 几何】 3(1)The calculus, aided by analytic geometry, proved to be astonishingly powerful and capable of attacking hosts of problems that had been baffling and quite unassailable in earlier days. 微积分在解析几何的帮助下,被证明能够有效的解决许多早先无法解决的问题。 (2)Of the many remarkable mathematical discoveries made in th 17th century, unquestionably the most outstanding was the invention of calculus. 在17 世纪的许多重大数学发明中,毫无疑问最杰出的就是微积分。 (3)A great forward stride was made in 1821,when the French mathematician Augustin Louis Cauchy developed an acceptable theory of limits, and then defined continuity, differentiability, and the definite integral in terms of the limit concept. 当法国数学家奥古斯丁*路易斯*柯西发展相互一种可接受的极限理论,并由此定义了连续性,微分和极限概念下的定积分,这成为1821年数学史上的巨大飞跃。 4)Mathematical analysis is one of the most important divisions of higher mathematics; its main object is studying variables and their relationships. 数学分析是高等数学中的最重要分支中的一个,它的主要目的是研究变量和他们之间的关系。 5)The main purpose of a natural or technical science is to establish the relationships between the variables involved in the process under consideration and to describe it mathematically. 自然数学或技术科学的一个主要目的是建立考虑的过程中的变量之间的关系并用数学描述。 6)Mathematical methods lie in the foundation of physics, mechanic, engineering and other natural sciences. For all of them mathematics is a powerful theoretical and practical tool without which no scientific calculation and no engineering and technology are possible. 数学方法是物理学、机械学、工程学和其他自然科学的基础,对所有学科来说,数学是有利的理论和应用工具,没有数学就不可能科学计算工学和技术。 Unit 2 2【random variable随机变量】 【expert system 专家系统】 【probability distribution概率分布】 【density function密度函数】 【computer simulation计算机仿真】 【sample space样本空间】 【statistic inference统计学的推论】 【impossible event不可能事件】 【standard deviation标准偏差】 【relative frequency相对频率】 Translation into Chin


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