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天气(weather)话题专项复习?? 教学目标 能正确的询问并描述天气、掌握关于天气的形容词。 能理解天气预报、能通过电视或广播收听天气预报。 能初步了解英语国家的气候特点及文化习俗。 了解天气与人类生产及生活的关系,从而学会保护环境。 知识结构: 1、词汇:sunny, cloudy, cloud, rainy, wind, windy, snowy, later on, ring up, west, report, north, south, at times, temperature, above, below, worse, foggy, low 2、句型与习语:  (1).-What’s the weather like….? It’s sunny. (2). – How’s the weather…..? - It’s snowing . (3). – What a windy day ! – Yes, but it’s going to be windier, I’m afraid. (4).-It looks like rain ,doesn’t it? – Yes , it does.And I forgot my umbrella. (5). It seldom snows here, does it ?/ I hope the snow will stop this afternoon. 三 . 日常交际用语分析 (一)英国人特别喜欢谈论天气,几乎成了见面的必说之言。以下是一些常用语。 1.一般性谈论天气:Lovely day, isnt it? 好天气,不是吗? 2.谈论气温: Its cold today, isnt it? 今天冷,不是吗? Its very cold, but quite sunny. 今天天很冷,但很晴朗。 3.谈风: (1) Its rather windy today, isnt it? 今天风相当大,不是吗? (2) Its blowing strongly. 今天风刮得很大。 4.谈将来的天气: (1)It looks like rain, dont you think so? 天看上去像是要下雨,你不这么认为吗? (2) Its quite windy, and theres a lot of snow. 风很大,会有雪的。 5.谈不正常的天气: (1) Its much too cold/hot. 太冷(热)了。 (2)Its hot for this time of year, dont you think so? 对于每年的这个时候来说太热了,你不这么认为吗? (二)天气预报的常用语:Weather Forecast 1.Lets take a look at the weather in Shanxi Province for the next 24 hours. 让我们一起看看陕西省未来24小时的天气预报吧。 2. A strong wind would reach Datong, which could cause much rain, The temperature would be sixteen to twenty-six. 一股有可能带来大量的雨的强劲的大风将抵达大唐,温度将会为16—26摄氏度。 3.Most of North and South China will have a cold wet day.华北、华南大部将是冷湿天气。 4.It will be cloudy/rainy at times. 有时天气将多云(有雨)。 5.The temperature will stay above zero in the day-time, but at night it will fall below zero again. 白天气温在零度以上,夜间又降到零度以下。 6.Beijing will be sunny. 北京晴。 7.Whats the temperature today? 今天的气温是多少? 四、要点揭示。 询问天气,可以说-What’s the weather like + 地点状语? 也可以说 How’s the weather+ 地点状语? {词语辨析} (1)“How’s…?常用来询问暂时的情况、对经历过的事的感受、问候别人的健康。例如:“How are you these days? I’m well. Thank you. (2) 当询问某人或某事的持久特性、特征时,通常用“What’s …like ?” 例如: “What’s he like ? He’s funny and outgoin


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