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TWO FACTIONS vs Alliance (联盟) 大胆而勇敢的矮人族是一支古老的种族,它起源于早期世界的泰坦用具有活力的石头创造的土灵。由于一种被称之为血肉诅咒的疾病,矮人们的土灵先祖们经历了一次蜕变,他们的岩石兽皮变成了柔软的皮肤。最终,这些血肉之躯自称为矮人族,并在被雪覆盖的卡兹莫丹顶峰开辟出强大的铁炉堡。 聪明、生机勃勃并且阴晴不定的侏儒在艾泽拉斯文明的种族中代表了一个独特的矛盾体。这个种族是杰出的发明家,并有一种无法抑制的乐观性格,但是它也遭受过背叛、迁徙甚至是接近种族灭绝。在面对这种灾难时他们具有一种非同寻常的乐观精神,象征着侏儒们真正不可动摇的精神。 Horde(部落) 和部落的其他种族不同的是,兽人不是艾泽拉斯原住民。起初,他们以萨满部族的身份居住在苍翠繁茂的德拉诺世界。当燃烧军团的恶魔领主基尔加丹腐化了兽人并且在筹划复仇阴谋,利用他们对抗从基尔加丹的家园流亡者德莱尼人时,兽人抛弃了他们原本和平生活的文化。 艾泽拉斯野蛮的巨魔因其残忍、邪恶的神秘主义以及对其他种族的强烈仇恨而臭名昭著。但是暗矛部族和它精明的首领沃金是巨魔中的一个例外。当酋长萨尔和他强大的部落军队在狂风暴雨中前往南海里的荒岛定居时,这个骄傲的部族被屈从和放逐的历史折磨着,濒临灭绝的边缘。 。 爱好和平的牛头人长期居住在卡利姆多,在他们的女神大地母亲的命令下,他们努力保护大自然的平衡。遍布整个贫瘠地区,以分散游牧为生的牛头人,直到最近才开始狩猎来自干旱区域的大型科多兽。 When the Lich King’s control of his death knights was broken, his former champions sought revenge for the horrors committed under his command. After their vengeance was won, the death knights found themselves without a cause and without a home. One by one they trickled into the land of the living in search of a new purpose. World of Warcraft is not only gives us a visual impact, but also gives us a legendary story .From the game ,we can get a better awareness of Western Mythology.In China,a large amount of young people are lost in it ,and they creat a kind of culture called WOW cultue.Only did you experience the game ,you can get the excellent feeling . Welcome to WOW! It is a magical world. Mystery , beautiful adventurous. We are fighting here. World Of Warcraft Introduction Of WOW World of Warcraft is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game. An online game where players from around the world assume the roles of heroic fantasy characters and explore a virtual world full of mystery, magic, and endless adventure. Alliance Horde 矮人 (Dwarf ) 狼人 (worgen ) 人类 (Human ) 暗夜精灵 (Night elf) 德莱尼人 (Delaney ) 侏儒 (Gnome) Recent discoveries have shown that humans are descended from the barbaric vrykul, half-giant warriors who live in Northrend. Early humans were primarily a scattered and tribal people


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