Lesson 1 Criminal的 Law an overview.ppt

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Lesson 1 Criminal的 Law an overview

Lesson 1 Criminal Law: An Overview CRIMES PRINCIPLES OF CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY PROOF BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT Summary Definitions of criminal law (penal law), vicarious liability, strict liability. Elements of crime: a criminal act, criminal intent, (harmful result, law). Criminal act: a voluntary act, or failure to act (determining factor?); exception: vicarious liability. Criminal intent: four forms; exception: strict liability. Proof beyond a reasonable doubt: what does the state must do? GLOSSARY offense, offender, offend, offensive commit civil wrong rob, robbery direct victim prosecute public attorney privately retained counsel violate, violation offense, offender, offend, offensive offense/offence (n.)(广义)犯罪,违法行为 其他词义:冒犯;攻击:O~ is the best defense.||take ~(at) (对某事)生气 offender (n.) 罪犯 offend (v.) 冒犯,违犯 其他词义:使厌恶;得罪:be ~ed at/by sth.; ~ with sb. offensive (a.) 冒犯的,攻击性的 counsel (pl.同)律师 其他词义: (U., vt.)忠告,建议:take one’s own ~将意见(或计划)保密||take ~ together共同商量 同义词: lawyer, attorney 同音: council 委员会,议会 引申: consult 咨询;商议;查阅 consultant 顾问 consultancy 咨询服务;顾问公司 consultative commit (vt.) 犯(罪),干(坏事) e.g. ~ a crime, ~ a mistake 其他词义: 使承担义务,使投入:~ oneself to (do/doing/sth.) 花(时间、钱等):~ one hour to reading news every day 引申: commitment (C.) 奉献,献身:~ to sth.;承担责任;承诺 committee 委员会(用作单数);全体委员(用作复数) commission (C.) 委托、授权:go beyond one’s ~ 佣金、回扣:draw a 10% ~ on each sale 委员会(执行某种职能的专门机构,比committee大):the Military Commission of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party impose (vt.)处以(惩罚等) imposition 强加 e.g. Violations of the criminal law result in the imposition of punishment. When punishment is imposed in a criminal case,It is for one basic reason… impose的其他词义: 征(税等);把…强加于(on):~ sth. on sb. prosecute (vt.)对…提起公诉 e.g. For this reason, crimes are prosecuted by public attorneys representing the community at large… 引申: prosecutor, prosecution intent (U) 【法律】意图,目的 e.g. because we would otherwise have a system of crimi


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