科尔尼报告:2017数字化趋势和主题VR, IoT, AI, and Hacks - Digital Trends and Themes of 2017.pptx

科尔尼报告:2017数字化趋势和主题VR, IoT, AI, and Hacks - Digital Trends and Themes of 2017.pptx

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科尔尼报告:2017数字化趋势和主题VR, IoT, AI, and Hacks - Digital Trends and Themes of 2017

VR, IoT, AI, and Hacks:Digital Trends and Themes of 2017A.T. Kearney’s Digital Transformation Practice predicts several trends that will have a significant impact in 2017—especially on business-to-business (B2B) companies looking to create value for their customers and for all those pursuing the next level of operational performance.By many accounts, 2016 was a remarkable year for the acceleration of digital technologies. Amazon succeeded in completing its first delivery through its Prime Air service; Baidu’s advances in the speed and accuracy of speech recognition software opened up a new area of expertise (natural language processing) that companies like Google and Amazon will be clamoring for; and Uber piloted its self-driving car service in Pittsburgh.What trends will have a similarly significant impact on the upcoming year—particularly for B2B companies seeking new value-creation opportunities or more effective operations?New job types will emerge as a result of artificial intelligence and machine learningWith the convergence of computing power, algorithm improvements, and data proliferation, artificial intel- ligence (AI) took great leaps forward in 2016, as our Arjun Sethi’s conversation with Jean-Philippe Courtois, EVP and president of global sales, marketing, and operations for Microsoft, discussed recently at the 2017 World Economic Forum. For example, Google Translate famously achieved massive improvements, virtually overnight. Many of our clients have been experimenting with—and capturing tangible results from—AI in areas such as contract compliance, order accuracy, and loan application automation.In 2017, AI and machine learning will explode as companies seek innovative new solutions. More business- to-consumer (B2C) and B2B companies will use machine learning to make sales more effective, personalize the customer experience, optimize processes, and generate strategic insights. Robotic process automation and chatbots will become more accurate and more e


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