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Unit1 1. 假设你是北京天天酒店的预订员简?接到了一位客户从大连打来的电话,他将一个人 驾车来北京休闲旅游(leisure travel),要预订一间豪华单人间,并先用信用卡保证预订 (credit card guaranteed reservation)?请你和你的同学模拟对话中的角色,准备对话, 然后在班上进行口头表演? J=Jane (Receptionist) S=Stephen Nobel (Guest) J: Room Reservation. Can I help you? S:Yes, I am calling from Dalian City. I will make a leisure travel to Beijing next week. So I want to book a room at your hotel. J: That’s wonderful. For which date, please? S: From September 9th. J: For how many nights? S: For two nights. J: How many guests will there be in your party? S:Just my wife and myself. J: What kind of room would you prefer? A single or a double? S: A single, please. J: Could you hold the line, please. I’ll check the list…Thank you for waiting, sir. We have a single room at RMB 150 and another at RMB 180. Which one would you prefer? S: I’d like to take the RMB 180. J: Do you wish to guarantee the room? S:Yes, I need to. J: Will that be your credit card or will you pay in advance? S: My credit card, please. J: May I know the type of card and the number? S:Yes, it’s Visa. The card number is 4635 1110 3334 5566, expiration date is Dec. 10th, 2010. And my name is Stephen Nobel. J: Thanks. Mr. Nobel. One single room arriving on September 9th and leaving on September 11th, in name of Mr. Stephen Nobel. The rate for the room is RMB 180 per night. This is a guaranteed reservation and will be held for you. Your credit number is 4635 1110 3334 5566. Am I correct? S:Yes, that’s correct. Thank you for your help. Goodbye. J: Goodbye. We are always at your service. 2. 假如你是一家电器公司的经理,你们公司打算在12月22日在北京举办庆祝公司成立 十周年的会议,会后打算下榻北京天天酒店,先致电天天酒店预订部,要求订50间标准 双人房,10间豪华双人房,2间套房,时间从12月22日至25日,共4天?请你和你的同学 模拟对话中的角色,准备对话,然后在班上进行口头表演? J:Good morning. Reservations, Jane speaking. May I help you? S:Good morning. This is Stephen Nobel from Dalian Electrical Company. Our company is going to give an tenth anniversary in Beijing on December 22nd. Please


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