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Homework 浙江素有“鱼米之乡、丝茶之乡、文物之乡、旅游胜地”之称,自然风光和人文景观交相辉映。 With Scenic and cultural attractions, Zhejiang has long been known as a “land of fish and rice,” the “home of silk and tea”, an “area of rich cultural heritage” and a “paradise for tourists.” Homework The Sydney Opera House, by the reclusive Danish architect Jorn Utzon, is the mother and father of all modern landmark buildings. It has more in common with the work of the American maverick genius Frank Lloyd Wright, from whom Utzon worked briefly. Its location is of an enormous help, sitting as it does on a promontory with water on three sides and the famous Sydney Harbor Bridge as a picture-postcard back-drop. 悉尼歌剧院由丹麦设计师约恩.乌特松设计,是现代标志性建筑的鼻祖,与美国标新立异的天才弗兰克.劳埃德.莱特(著名的建筑设计师)的建筑颇有相似之处。这是因为乌特松曾为莱特工作过一段时间。悉尼歌剧院的地理位置十分优越,座落在三面环水的海角,其背后则是风景如画的悉尼海港大桥。 Homework Though filled with an astonishing array of geologic wonders: geysers, hot springs, fumaroles, canyons, waterfalls, Yellowstone is perhaps most remarkable as wilder life sanctuary. Protected here are bison, elk, bears, moose, mountain lions, eagles, trumpeter swans, and a host of other animals. The world’s first national park, Yellow stone covers more than two million acres (810,000 hectares) and draws thousands of visitors a year. 黄石公园内奇观比比皆是,充满了各种各样令人惊奇的地理奇观,间歇泉、温泉、喷气孔四处可见,更有高峡深谷,飞瀑流泉,令人叹为观止。然而,最引人注目的还是这儿受保护的大批野生动物群—野牛、麋鹿、驼鹿、熊、狮、鹰、野天鹅以及其他成群出没的动物。作为全球第一个国家公园,黄石公园占地200多万英亩,约合8.1万公顷。每年到访游客成千上万。 2.11 专有名词的翻译 1) 地名的翻译 《世界地名词典》 网络资源 地名的翻译 Amsterdam Athens Atlanta Baghdad Bangkok Belgrade Brasilia 地名的翻译 Brussels Budapest Buenos Aires Cairo Canberra Cape Town Copenhagen 地名的翻译 Denver Detroit Dublin Florence Frankfurt Hanoi Helsinki 地名的翻译 Islamabad Istanbul Jakarta Jerusalem Karachi Kathmandu Kuala Lumpur 地名的翻译 Lisbon Madrid Manila Mumbai Munich Nairobi Rio de Janeiro 地名的翻译 Sao Paulo Stockholm Tashkent Tehran Vladivostok Yangon Zurich 地名的翻译 内蒙古 呼和浩特 乌鲁木齐 西藏 拉萨 香港 澳门 陕西 地名的翻译 克拉玛依 喀什 库尔勒 吐鲁番 Case Study Cambridge is a little town across the Charles River from Boston an


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