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高 等 教 育 自 学 考 试 毕 业 论 文 论文题目: 小 尾 寒 羊 的 养 殖 作者姓名: 马 建 军 专 业: 应 用 生 物 技 术 主考学校: 甘 肃 农 业 大 学 准考证号: 440111115007 指导老师姓名职称: 吴兵 教授 论文标题:小尾寒羊的养殖 论文标题:XIAOWEIHAIYANGDEYANGZHI 论文作者:马建军 论文作者:MAJIANJUN 小尾寒羊的养殖 马建军 (甘肃农业大学 应用生物技术 081315 ) 摘要:小尾寒羊具有早熟、多胎、多羔、生长快、体格大、产肉多、裘皮好、遗传性稳定和适应性强等优点。4月龄即可育肥出栏,年出栏率400%以上;6月龄即可配种受胎,年产2胎,胎产2~6只,有时高达8只;平均产羔率每胎达266%以上,每年达500%以上;体重6月龄可达50千克,周岁时可达100 千克,成年羊可达130~190千克。在世界羊业品种中小尾寒羊产量高、个头大、效益佳,被国家定为名畜良种,被人们誉为中国国宝、世界超级羊及高腿羊品种。它吃的是青草和秸秆,献给人类的是美味和美丽,送给养殖户的是金子银子。它既是农户脱贫致富奔小康的最佳项目之一,又是政府扶贫工作的最稳妥工程,也是国家封山退耕、种草养羊、建设生态农业的重要举措。因之,近年来全国各地都在大力发展小尾寒羊,其数量目前已达200万只以上。 关键词:小尾寒羊、“国宝”、致富 Small Tail Han sheep farming Ma Jianjun (Gansu Agricultural University Applied Biotechnology 081315) Abstract: Small Tailed Han has precocious puberty, multiple births, prolificacy, fast growth, physical, production of meat, fur, genetic stability and adaptability advantages. 4 months of age can be fattening to slaughter more than 400% of the annual slaughter rate; 6 months of age can be breeding Annunciation, an annual output of 20,000 tires, 2 to 6 births, sometimes up to 8; average lambing rate per tire up to 266% up to 500% per annum; body weight up to 50 kg in 6 months of age, years of age up to 100 kg the adult sheep up to 130 to 190 kg. High yield varieties of the worlds sheep industry Small Tailed Han, tall, good benefits, and by the state in the name of animal seed, was hailed as a national treasure of China, the world super sheep and high legs sheep varieties. It eat grass and straw, dedicated to human is delicious and beautiful, gold silver is sent to the farmers. Both one of the best projects for farmers Getting Rid of Poverty and the Government poverty alleviation work surest engineering the national closing off hills farmland, grass and sheep, construction of ecological agriculture an important measure. con


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