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Go straight on. the Panda House Walk along the road. To the north of the Panda House. the Lions’ Area Turn left. To the west of the Lions’ Area. the World of Birds Hi, everybody. Here we’re in front of the South Gate N S W E Now, here we are in Lions’ area. Let’s have a look at those lions! Read it together. Now, let’s say goodbye to the king of animal world and go to see next animal .Next, we will go to the world of birds. Listen to the tape and tell me how can we go to the world of birds. Soon, here we go to see the elephants—the last kind of animal in the zoo. Listen to the tape and tell me how we can see the elepants. 译林版 七年级英语 下册 Unit 4 Finding your way Reading 1 A trip to the zoo 江苏省运河中学 李伟平 school TaohuadaoPark Peoples Park Train Station Shagouhu Park Sunshine Zoo Look at the places around our school. Make dialogues like this: A:Wheres Peoples Park? B:Its west of our school. A:Is it far from here? B:No, its near our school. A:How can we go there? B:We can go there by bus. Welcome to the World of Animals Listening Now we are in front of Sunshine Zoo. What animals will you see in the zoo? Listen carefully and write down the names of animals on your paper. kangaroos tiger horses bear snake crocodile What do pandas like to eat? They like to eat bamboo. 2) What do pandas do all day long? They lie down all day long. Read Para. 1 and answer the questions below. National treasure(国宝) cute=lovely Read Para. 2 and finish the sentences below. Lions are the _____________ of the animal world. 2) Remember that the lions are ___________. Never go near them. kings dangerous Why do people put stone(石头) lions in front of their houses? They think it is cool to do so. They like lions. They think it can show



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