《Section A课件》初中英语人教2011课标版九年级全一册课件24805.ppt

《Section A课件》初中英语人教2011课标版九年级全一册课件24805.ppt

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《Section A课件》初中英语人教2011课标版九年级全一册课件24805

Is it a good idea to come to class late? You’re supposed to… raise your hand before talking Listen and check the answer in 1a. 1b Listen and check your answers. Listen again and fill in the blanks A1: What are people__________ to do when they meet ______your country, Rodrigo? B1: Well, do you mean when friends meet for the first time? A1: Yeah. B1: Well, in___________, friends___________. A1: What about in___________? A2: In Mexico ,we ______________________. A1: How about in ____________, Yoshi? A3: We __________. B2: And in __________,we also ____________. A1: Well, I guess in most _________________we shake hands. 2a 2b 2.greet =to welcome or say “hello” v. “问候,打招呼” e.g. He greeted her by saying “good morning”. 他向她打招呼说 “早上好”。 当堂检测 首字母填空 It is British c________ to drink tea at 4:00 each afternoon. We are s_______ to shake hands. Translate the phrases. shake hands arrive late wear the wrong clothes make some mistakes for the first time (in)the wrong way 按要求改写句子 1. I was supposed to get to school at 6:30.(划线提问) _______ _______ ________ you supposed to get to school? 2. He should kiss.( 同义句) He ________ ________ ________ kiss. Summary In this class, weve learned some important words, such as greet, bow, kiss, be supposed to, shake hands. Weve also learned the target language : What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time? Theyre supposed to bow. custom supposed 握手 迟到 穿错衣服 犯一些错误 第一次 以错误的方式 What time were is supposed to 【学以致用】 (2013·菏泽中考)You are ______to type quickly when talking to each other on QQ, so the other person doesn’t get bored. A. suggested B. supported C. taught D. supposed 1.Remember the new words after class. 2. Act out what people are supposed to do when they meet for the first time . 3. Use “be supposed to do, be not supposed to do” to make



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