《Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature?课件》初中英语仁爱科普2001课标版 九年级下册课件8205.ppt

《Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature?课件》初中英语仁爱科普2001课标版 九年级下册课件8205.ppt

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《Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature?课件》初中英语仁爱科普2001课标版 九年级下册课件8205

仁爱版九年级英语下册 Unit 6 Topic 2 Section A 讲课教师:卢氏县五里川完全中学 二级教师 杜蕊 Teaching aims 1、Describe your favorite heroes in the literature books that you have read 2、Improve your listening and reading abilities 3、Arose your interests of reading classic literature works 1、熟悉听力材料,积极主动有目的有意识的听 2、听力过程中,养成记笔记的习惯 3、注意听人物、时间、地点、事件、辨别数字、时间、价格等 4、学会跳跃式去听,偶遇没听清的,跳过,以免影响听后面的内容 Kangkang’s favorite _________ in literature is the Monkey King , _________ he is funny and clever .Michael’s favorite character in literature is Harry Potter because he is very ______ .In the novel ,Journey to the West ,it was Sandy and Pigsy ______ helped the Monkey King to win every battle .in the story of Harry Potter, his friends read many books and ___________ the best way to help him to defeat their _________ ._________ , neither the Monkey King _____ Harry Potter would become a hero without the help of their friends . My favorite hero in literature Harry potter has magic powers.For example,he can fly.He is not only brave but also handsome and kind. He wants to protect his friends from danger. The Monkey King is another brave hero.But we like him for different reasons.The Monkey King is clever and funny.Sometimes we cant help laughing because of his funny behavior.The Monkey King can fly,too.He is good at hiding.He hides by turning himself into a small living thing such as a bee or a fly. Harry Potter and the Monkey King are different kinds of heroes.But they are both brave and clever. 1. Who is the writer of Harry Potter ? 2. Do you know where she/he is from ? 3. Why is she/he famous ? 3b. Listen again and choose the correct answers . ( ) 1. J.K. Rowling wanted to be writer ____. A. when she was six years old B. when she was young C. when she began to write ( ) 2. Her first novel is _____ . A. Robbit B. Harry Potter C



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