《Can I have an ice cream》教学设计.doc

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《Can I have an ice cream》教学设计

新标准英语(一起)第五册 Module5 Unit1 Can I have an ice cream?教学设计 教材分析: ??? 本课是外研社新标准英语第五册Module 5, Unit 1的教学内容,是在第四模块运用can表达能力之后,再次运用Can I …?句型征求别人的意见或是询问别人能否做某事这样一种语言结构,并能够对别人的询问给予正确的回答。 教学目标: 知识目标:   单词:can/can’t /have /drink /ice cream /shop/go out /thanks   句型:Can I have ……? Yes, you can. No, you can’t. 能力目标: 认读功能句Can I have …, please? 及其答句Yes, you can. / No, you can’t. 认读新单词drink,shop,go out, thanks . 运用目标: 通过操练,会运用功能句Can I have …, please?询问别人自己是否可以吃某物,并用Yes, you can. / No, you can’t.对别人的询问给予回答。 情感目标: 培养学生积极参加活动的意识,具有合作精神,并懂得在日常行为也要注意礼貌习惯。 教学重点: Can I have …, please? Yes, you can. / No, you can’t. 及新单词drink, shop, go out, thanks. 教学难点: 区分can的两种不同意义并加以正确应用。 关键:创设情境,用学生喜闻乐见的活动来起到巩固目标的目的。 教学准备:卡片、课件、实物:biscuits and sweets等。 教学过程: I. Warming up: a. Let’s sing.(Can you throw it very high in the sky?) b. Oral English. Can you run fast/jump far/swim? Yes, I can. No, I can’t. T: Guess, can I run fast? Ss: Yes, you can. No, you can’t. II. New lesson. 1. Text a. Showing the Ss the title. b. Practise the new structures: Can I 厖? Yes, you can./ No, you cana’t. c. Check out the new words and new phrases: shop, watch TV, have a drink, go out, thanks, have these biscuits, have an ice cream. d. Game Can I 厖? Yes, you can./ No, you can活’t. e. Do some exercises of AB. f. Listen, point and try to answer the questions: 1) What’s wrong with Amy? 2) Can Amy have a drink? 3) Can Amy watch TV? 4) Can Amy have an ice cream? 5) Can Amy have a cake? g. Listen, point and repeat. h. Read the text together.→ Act it out. i. According to the key words on the blackboard to retell the text. III. Sum up IV. Homework Teach your parents to use the structures: Can I …? 板书设计: ?????? Module 5 Unit 1? Can I have an ice cream, please? ???????????? ? ?Yes, you can. No, you can’t. have a drink ??have? an ice cream × watch TV go to the shop have some biscuits ?????????????????? ?????? 教学反思: ??? 导入直切主题,学生能够尽快学习本课重点,并在师生之间的趣味性交流中首先学会了回答;通过游戏吸引学生参与教学活动,


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