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北京师范大学珠海分校课程论文 手机行业品牌生态研究—以三星为例学 院 行政班级 姓 名 学 号 上课时间 2014年6月10日摘要随着移动通讯业的发展,手机行业的竞争也愈演愈烈,其中,三星近年来的受到及社会关注。三星的市场扩张,占领了极大一部分的市场份额,积累了很多忠实客户。让三星处于行业的领先水平及地位。但是近几年不论是外国手机品牌还是中国国产手机品牌,都开始向三星这个巨头发起强烈的攻势,不论是模仿还是另辟市场,苹果的iPhone在市场上的地位好像还是屹立不倒。本文通过品牌生态的的基本理论,归纳出购买手机的动机及考虑因素,通过发放调查问卷,对在校大学生进行数据收集。对问卷进行回收统计后得出一些与品牌生态有关的数据,并通过数据联系实际情况对苹果及其他一部分手机品牌的生态位等进行计算、分析。同时也通过查阅有关消费者对选择手机时考虑的因素或者影响因素的文献进行参考,以进一步分析三星手机品牌生态对其品牌的作用。品牌生态设计的资源因子很多,但是由于成员精力能力有限,只能找出部分有代表性的因素作为调查。也因为活动范围有限,调查的对象主要是在校大学生,调查群体比较狭窄。同时作者对品牌生态的知识也只是在初级阶段。所以调查结果可能会存在一些局限性,还有一些观点的分析不够透彻、深入,有待充实和改善。关键词:三星品牌,品牌生态学,品牌生态位宽度,生态位重叠,品牌社群AbstractWith the development of mobile communications, mobile phone industry competition has intensified, among them, the samsung and social concern in recent years. Samsungs market expansion, occupied the great part of market share, has accumulated a lot of loyal customers. Samsung is the industry leading level and status. But in recent years both foreign mobile phone brands and domestic mobile phone brand in China, starting with the giant has a strong offensive, whether its imitation or another market, apples iPhone status seems to be still standing in the market. In this paper, the basic theories of brand ecological, summing up the motivation and consideration of to buy mobile phones, through questionnaires, data collection was carried out on the college students. For recycling questionnaire statistics after some data related to the brand ecosystem, and the actual situation by association of data for apple and other part of the mobile phone brands such as ecological niche for calculation and analysis. Also through the inspection of the relevant consumers to consider when choosing a mobile phone or influence factors of literature for reference, in order to further analysis of Samsung mobile phone brand ecological effects on its brand. Many brand ecological design resources factor, but the members of the energy ability is limited, only to find out some typical factors as invest


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