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* 开启:含义:先用B对X腐蚀,然后用B对结果膨胀 * 闭和:含义:先用B对A膨胀,然后用B对结果腐蚀 * 使图像的轮廓变得光滑,断开狭窄的间断和消除细的突出物。 * Strel: structuring element * I=imread('1.jpg'); imshow(I); I=rgb2gray(I); I=im2double(I); figure Se=strel('square',3); I2=imerode(I,Se); BW=I-I2; imshow(BW); * 先开启再闭合 * Assignments The texture of an image as following , trying to compute the gray-tone co-occurrence matrices in three directions of the texture. Designing a program to judge the convexity-concavity of an object. * 白信封和红信封的处理方法不同,白的以V分量设域值0.7分割,而红的以H分量设域值0.55分割,见程序segment.m, 所以首先要判断是红还是白信封(用程序color1.m统计信封的色度) zip=imread('zip5.tif'); hue = color1(zip); hsv = rgb2hsv(zip); subplot(121),imshow(hsv(:,:,1)) subplot(122),imhist(hsv(:,:,1)) figure subplot(121),imshow(hsv(:,:,2)) subplot(122),imhist(hsv(:,:,2)) figure subplot(121),imshow(hsv(:,:,1)) subplot(122),imhist(hsv(:,:,1)) if hue > 0.1 blk = hsv(:,:,3)<0.7; else blk = hsv(:,:,1)> 0.55;% special for zip1.tif,zip3.tif,zip4.tif, end figure imshow(blk) * Spur:Remove end points of lines without removing small objects completely.只去除端点处外侧的一个像素 Thin与skel比对:With N = Inf, remove pixels so that an object without holes shrinks to a minimally connected stroke。 * n can have a value of either 4 or 8, where 4 specifies 4-connected objects and 8 specifies 8-connected objects; if the argument is omitted, it defaults to 8. 2.找端点: function g=endpoints(f) (自编) g返回的是端点图: (数字4) 如:euler=0时, 可能的数有0,4,6,9 Endpoint数=1:  6 9;     Endpoint数=0:  0;     Endpoint数≥2: 4,8*; 再根据端点的位置区分: 6和9 区分:  1 2 3 5 7 (Euler=1) Endpoint=2: 1 2 5 7 Endpoint=3: 3 3.根据端点方向数来区分: 1 2 5 7 orient=1: 1 2 orient=4: 5 orient=0: 7 0 1 4 6 7 2 3 5 function[orient,n]= connex (bw,r,c) (自编) * 虽然图像的纹理特征在局部区域内可能没有规则 ,但在整体上却往往呈现出一定的规律性 。 Texture Characteristic Abstracting Texture is the description of the image pixels gray-scale distribution m


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