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高一升高二衔接练习一 单项选择 1 Whoever spits in public in Beijing will be fined up to 50 yuan in ______effort to improve citizens’ behavior ahead of _______Olympics . A the ; the B the ;/ C /; the D an ;the 2 Before the final examination ,some have trouble in sleeping while others have lost their ___. A interest B energy C appetite D experience 3 Only ticket-holders were ________to the stadium for the concert given by Jay Chou ,so many of his fans were turned away .A allowed B permitted C agreed D admitted 4 Van Gogh succeeded in selling only one painting in his lifetime ,______was sold to his brother. A the one B which C that D one 5 We will buy everything you produce ,________of course the price is right. A providing B now that C in that D whatever 6 Nicolas Sarkozy became the first president whose marriage _________during his term of presidency in French history . A break out B break down C break off D break up 7 Traditionally ,Chinese people _______the Chinese character s Double Happiness and stick them onto walls and doors for weddings. A cut short B cut off C cut out D cut up 8 We are ________by our teacher to read English as much as possible to improve our spoken English . A advised B suggested C warned D informed 9 ----Why didn’t you buy the video camera you had longed for ? -----I ______,but I was$100short A planned to B would plan to C have planned to D had planned to 10 The No.5 subway line ,______in October ,2007,has greatly improved the traffic conditions in Beijing . A to be opened B opened C being opened D having been opened 11. ______that he got inside the room to see what was going on . A So strangely did he feel B So strangely he felt C So strange id he feel D So strange he felt 12-----Will you please repeat your idea?-----Certainly .But I think it certain that you _____your attention . A don’t pay B hadn’t paid C aren’t paying D we


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