人教版模块8Unit 2 Cloning单词学案1.doc

人教版模块8Unit 2 Cloning单词学案1.doc

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人教版模块8Unit 2 Cloning单词学案1

Unit 2 Cloning单词学案1 课题: Unit 2 Cloning (模块8) 学习目标: Learn the new words and expressions 教学重点:The usage of important words and expressions. 课堂前置要求(1)巩固复习好上个学案内容准备检查 (2)读熟 Unit 2的单词 Step 1 Have a check about the homework in the last lesson.(检查上节课的作业) Step 2:Read the words and expressions on page (单词) Step3:Learn the following words and expressions by yourselves.–different adj. –difference n. indifferent 冷漠的 不感兴趣的 differ from=be different from/than A and B differ from each other AB 不同 A differs from B AB 相异 (1)French differs from English in this respect.在这方面法语不同于英语 (2)I differ with you on this matter . 关于此事,我和你意见不同 make a/no difference 有/无影响 有重要作用/无关紧要 (3) It makes a great difference to me.这对我很重要 2 exact 确切的准确的 to be exact=exactly speaking 确切的说 To be exact, she is a very exact person.确切的说,她是个一丝不苟的人 3 cutting 剪报 剪枝 cut 伤口 a knife cut 刀伤 a short cut 捷径 cut in超车插嘴 cut off 切除剪下隔绝cut out切去删去 cut down 砍倒削减 4 identical 同一的 一模一样的 identity n. 身份 特征 一致性 5 commercial adj. 商业的贸易the commercial heart商业中心commerce n. 商业贸易 6 complicated 复杂的难懂的 complex 繁杂的 (1) This problem is too _________;I can’t work it out. (2) A computer is certainly a _________ machine. 7 undertake vt 着手 从事承担 undertaking n 事业 企业 undertake a task/project 承担任务项目 We can’t undertake the work for the monment. 我们暂时无法做这项工作 8 pay off 得到好结果 取得成功 偿清 pay back 偿还回报 pay for付款 (1) I have paid off all my debts.我已还清了所有的债务 (2) They took a hell of risk but it paid off.他们冒了很大的风险但事情成功了。 (3) His hard work_____________when he got the promotion. (4) I have to _____________ the windows. 9 breakthrough n .突破 make a breakthrough取得进展 break through突破突围 Doctors have made a great breakthrough in the lung disease treatment. 医生们在肺病治疗方面取得了重大突破 10 procedure 程序步骤 the procedure for …的手续 11 cast –cast-cast扔 投 掷 cast a vote 投票 cast down 使沮丧cast away抛弃遭船难 cast aside丢在一边 cast off 放弃脱掉 She was cast down by the marks she got in the exam. 这次考试让他很沮丧 12 altogether 总之完全 all together全体一起


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