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——中间的水尺无法看到,请向前(向后)调整一下位置。 We can not see the middle draft clearly, please change your position. ——(船方:)装船速度是多少? What is the loading rate? ——我们的装船速度是每小时 4000 吨。 The loading rate is four thousand metric tons per hour. ——货不足,因此无法达到您的配载要求。 Cargo is not enough ,so we can not meet your stowage plan. ——因为双线作业,需调整装舱顺序。 Due to two loaders at work, we need to adjust loading sequence. ——海况、天气不好,请船方加缆并随时做好离泊准备。 Sea condition and weather is not good, please inform ship to take more lines and be ready for unberthing at any time. ——请把左舷或右舷、船中处,提前放好软梯以便看水尺。 Please put down soft ladders before hand at portside and starboard side in middle of vessel for draft checking. ——因舱容不够,皮带上有煤,需排到别的舱口。 Since hold capacity is not enough, the rest coal in the belt should be sent into other holds. ——接港调通知,先装 A 泊的船,你的船临时不装货,有异议请与 外代联系。 Informed by port authority, we will load vessel at berth A. so your vessel is to be suspended loading. Any objection, please contact your agent . ——现在左倾(右倾),请问大副水尺修正后是多少。 Now it is listing to portside/starboard side. What is your draft after correction? ——能否多装 xx 吨再排水(或将 xx 舱装完后再排水)。 Can you start deballasting after load xxxxMT more cargo? (Can you start deballasting after completing loading hold NO.xx.) ——压舱水是否排完,还需要多长时间排完? Have you completed deballasting ? How long will it take to complete deballasting? ——(船方:)还需要4 小时。 Four hours ——(船方:)5 舱还有几分钟完货? How many minutes does it take to complete hold NO.5? ——大约10 分钟? About ten minutes. ——请放下梯子。 Please put down the ladder. ——请把货灯放到船方吃水位置? Please put the light around vessel’s draft position. ——(船方:)船体不平衡,为什么只向一侧抛料? The ship is not in the balance now, why always deposit at only one side? ——频繁旋转会引起机器故障。 Frequent rotation of the machine will cause problems. 结束作业过程: ——(船方:)船什么时候能完货? Do you know what time the loading will complete? ——十分钟后完货。 Chief officer ,the loading will be completed in ten minutes. ——外代让您打开高频 16 频道。 Agent ask you to keep watch on VHF16. ——你们到达卸货港所允许的最大水尺是多少? What is the maximum draft allowed at discharging


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