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Romanticism(P210)*At the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries romanticism appeared in England as a new trend in literature. It rose and grew under the impetus of the Industrial Revolution and French revolution.*Romanticism emphasized individual values and aspirations and pay attention ti the spiritual and emotional life of man ;*Romantic prose of the time was represented by Lamb ,Hazlitt, De Quincey and Hunt.*Lake Poets:they lived in the Lake District in the northwestern part of England.The three traversed the same path in politics and in poetry, beginning as radicals and closing as conservatives.注:Wordsworth,Coleridge,Southey是逃避现实的浪漫主义诗人;Byron,Shelley,Keats是激进的浪漫主义诗人;Lamb,Hazlitt,Leigh Hunt,De Quincey是写散文的。Scott是写小说的。#Wordsworth(P212))Lyrical Ballads (most)Lines Written in Early SpringTo the Cuckoo I Wandered Lonely as a CloudMy Heart Leaps UpIntimations of ImmortalityLines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey#Coleridge(P217)The Rime of the Ancient Mariner(1798)Kubla Khan(1797)Christabel(1797-1800)#Southey(P221))Joan of Arc(1793)Wat Tyler(1794)The Fall of Robespierre(1794)(with Coleridge)The Inchcape RockThe Battle of BlenheimMy Days among the Dead Are PassedThe life of Nelson(1813)Thalaba the Destroyer(1801)Madoc(1805)The Curse of Kehama(1810)Roderick,the Last of the Goths(1814)#Byron(P222)Song for the Luddites(1816)Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage(1809)Giaour(1813)The Bride of Abydos(1813)The Corsair(1814)Lara(1813)Parisina(1816)The Siege of Corinth(1816)Don Juan(1818-1823)#Shelley(P232)Queen Mab(1813)The Revolt of Islam(1818)Prometheus Unbound(1820)Ode to the West WindBest love lyric:Love’s Philosophy One Word Is Too Often Profaned With a Guitar to Jane and The Indian SerenadeA Defence of Poetry#Keats(P244)EndymionIsabellaThe Eve of St.AgnesLamiaHyperion#Lamb(P253)Old Familiar FacesOn an Infant Dying as soon as BornSpecimens of English Dramatic Poets Who Lived about the Time of Shakespeare(1808)Tales from ShakespeareThe Essays of


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