gridgen train,gridgen培训资料.ppt

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gridgen train,gridgen培训资料

3/30/05 What’s an Entity? An entity is any individual element that makes up part of a grid or geometry. Connectors Domains Blocks Grids Databases In Gridgen, databases refer to collections of geometry information that can be used to define the shape to which the grid is to be built and typically come from computer aided design (CAD) software: Analytic – curve and surface information from a CAD file. Shell – discrete unstructured database surface entity, generally imported from stereolithography (STL) formatted files. Network – bilinear (non-slope continuous) database surface entity, generally imported from Plot3D formatted files. Of course, databases are not necessary to build grids with Gridgen, but are often needed for importing complex geometries. The Gridgen Screen The Mouse: Pan, Zoom, and Pick Some Mouse Options Model Rotations Model Rotations (Continued) For more precise rotation control, the following numpad keys can be used: 7 rotates about the x screen axis. 8 rotates about the y screen axis. 9 rotates about the z screen axis. Num Lock rotates about the x body axis. / rotates about the y body axis. * rotates about the z body axis. Additional rotation features can be accessed with the following “hot keys”: Page Down used with any of the x-y-z body/screen keys results in a 90 deg. rotation about the corresponding coordinate direction. Page Up used with any model manipulation, whether by mouse or keyboard, provides 3x acceleration of the operation. + and – numpad keys reverse the direction of a keyboard model rotation. Alt used with a numpad model rotation gives a single increment (3 deg.) rotation. Commonly Used Hot Keys File Browsing File Browsing (Continued) Gridgen File Names Gridgen Restart Files (.gg) contain entire grid models from control point definitions through boundary condition settings. They only reference database information. Composite Database Files (.dba) store, in Gridgen’s native database model format, data from all database sources,


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