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Determination of iron by Phenanthroline photometric method Ⅰ.Principle Abserption spectrophotometric determination of trace iron is one of the commonly used method. At pH = 1.5 ~ 9.5 under the conditions, Fe2 + ion and phenanthroline (Phen) generated very stable orange-red complex with Fe (Phen)32 +: ?Stability of this complex lg K = 21.3, molar absorption coefficient ε = 1.1 × 104 L / mol ? cm. Hair color before the first use of hydroxylamine hydrochloride to Fe3 + ions reduced to Fe2 + ions, the reaction is as follows: ?????????????4 Fe3 + + 2 NH2OH = 4 Fe2 + + N2O + H2O + 4H + Determination, the control solution acidity is more appropriate in the pH = 3-9 with high acidity, the reaction is slow; acidity is too low then the hydrolysis of Fe3 + ions affect the color. Bi3 +, Cd2 +, Hg2 +, Ag +, Zn2 + and other ions with the reagent generated precipitation, Ca2 +, Cu2 +, Ni2 + and other ions form a color complex, so when these ions coexist, it should be noted their interference. Ⅱ.the instruments and reagents 1. UV-2100 spectrophotometer, 50mL volumetric flask of 8; 2. Iron standard solution (100 μg / mL); 3. Iron standard solution (10 μg / mL); 4. Phenanthroline (1.5 g / L); 5. Hydroxylamine hydrochloride (100 g / L) ; 6. NaAc (1mol / L); 7. NaOH (1mol / L); 8. HCl (6mol / L); 9. Iron sample test solution. Ⅲ.procedures 1. Absorption curve of production and the choice of measurement wavelength Lessons with a pipette 0.0 mL and 1.0 mL iron standard solution (100 μg / mL) were injected into two 50mL volumetric flask, add 1 mL of the hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution, shake well. Then add 2 mL Phen, 5 mLNaAc, diluted with water to the mark, shake well. 10 min after placement, with the 1cm cuvette to reagent blank (ie, 0.0 mL iron standard solution) as reference solution, between the 470-560nm, measured once every 10 nm absorbance A, at the maximum absorption peak near measured once every 2 nm A. In the graph paper at the wavelength λ is the horizontal a


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