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四六级考前必背——四六级写作终极模板考神陈曲老师备考三部曲:1.天龙八部2.最强模板3.终极押题本篇为三部曲的简洁版,但是建议大家还是需要知其然并知其所以然,寝室人较多的需要去完整版里面研究替换句。模板1:描图类(1)如果题干提示写解释现象,即用这个模板。第一段:描图The picture captures a very special scene: ____________(描图图片). Simple as it is, what the picture conveys to us is thought-provoking. _____(图片含义).第二段:现象解释Strikingly, in contemporary society, this sort of phenomenon is becoming increasingly common and eye-catching. Two fundamental factors could account for this social phenomenon. First and foremost, this problem stems from ________(原因1名词). _______(具体阐述). Moreover, this situation can be seen as a consequence of ________(原因2名词). _______(具体阐述).第三段:提倡解决(如果觉得长,两种解决方法选一种即可)The following ways can be adopted to advocate(好现象)/curb(坏现象) this social phenomenon. On the micro level, I believe it is every individual’s duty and it is high time that we should take action. Since my own voice is too weak to be heard, I hope the authority and mass media should be held accountable. Only by this means can we lead to a better life.模板2:描图类(2)如果题干提示写正反观点,即用这个模板。第一段:描图The picture captures a very special scene: ____________(描图图片). Simple as it is, what the picture conveys to us is thought-provoking. _____(图片含义).第二段:正反观点Opinions vary when it comes to _________(主题). Some argue that ________(正方观点). However, those who strongly oppose are not among the minority. They hold that _____(反方观点).第三段:个人观点Given the factors I have just outlined, it can be concluded that the question quite depends on personal choice. However, I am fully convinced that _______(自我观点).模板3:引言类第一段:引言_______(主题词) has captured numerous attentions from the general public, just as the saying goes “_______”(名言照抄). The saying denotes that _______(名言含义).第二段:现象解释Two fundamental factors could account for this principle. To begin with, _______(原因1+具体阐述). Moreover, _______(原因2+具体阐述).第三段:个人观点Given the factors I have just outlined, it is advisable to _______ (总结). To the best of my knowledge, _______(发表自己观点).模板4:图表类第一段:图表The given table offers a glimpse of _____


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