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新概念英语(2)Lesson46 动词+介词的用法 Name: 介词to 1. accustom/ / v.使习惯 1). accustom to sth../doing sth. 2). be accustomed to sth / doing sth. (比be used to do sth.正式) 习惯于做某事 Eg.1). He had to accustom himself to the cold weather. 他必须让自己习惯寒冷的天气。 2). I’m not used to getting up early. 我不习惯早起。 1. amount / / v. 合计,总共达 +to Eg. The expense/ / (支出) amounted to 10000 yuan .合计支出一万元。 3. appeal / / v. 呼吁,要求,求助于 +to Eg. 1). He appealed them for help. 他要求他们帮助他。 2). They must appeal to arms. 他们求助于武力。 4. apply / / v. 应用, 证实,适用,申请 Eg. 1). We should apply a theory / / ( 理论) to practice .我们应该理论应用于实践。 2). The rule doesn’t apply to children.这项规章不适合孩子。 3). apply to sb. for help . 向某人申请帮助 5. attach/ / v. 系, 缚,(=fasteners,fix ) + to Eg. He attached all the labels to the bags .他把所有的袋子都系/贴上标签。 6. attend / / v.注意 attend to sth./ doing sth .= pay attention to sth./doing sth. 注意某物/做某事 Eg. You must attend to your handwriting. = You must pay attention to your handwriting. 你必须注意你的书写。 7. belong to sb. 属于某人 Eg. The suitcase doesn’t belong to me. 那个手提包不是我的。 8. challenge / / v.向某人提出挑战 challenge sb. to do sth. Eg. He challenged me to have a race with him .他向我挑战和他比一场赛 9. compare / / v.比较,对照,比喻,比得上 compare sth. to / with sth. Eg. 1). If you compare soccer with / to American football ,you will find many differences.如果你比较一下英式足球和美式足球,你会发现很多不同之处。 2). Life is often compared to traveling.我们经常把生活比喻成旅行。 3). Living in a city can’t compare with living in a village.居住在城市比不上居住在农村。 10. condemn / / v.判刑 + to Eg. The prisoner was condemned to death .那个犯人被判了死刑。 11 confess / / v.承认,供认 Eg. He confessed to his mistake . 他承认他的错误。 12. confine sb. to + 把某人关在(狭小的空间里)。 Eg. Mother confined Bill to the room for a whole day .妈妈把汤姆关在房间里整整一天。 13. consent / / v.同意,赞成,答应 consent to a plan / an idea 14. convert / / v.转化,变换 Eg. convert coal to gas .煤转化为煤气。 15. entitle / / v.给……权利,给……资格 be entitled to say that有资格说 eg. I’m entitled to say that I am a 100 percen


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