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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT - 2 - 专业四级考前词汇串讲班(卢根主讲) 2011年专业四级真题关键词 听力 hesitant proper maintenance interior assembly leave the lorry without hoods tugboat vessels at the oil rig to raise money for African humanitarian efforts Where is the presence of security patrols most evident? 完型 steep emotional, sentimental, bewildered, proud considerate, considerable, considering, considered reply, reaction, readiness, reality educate, cultivate, inform, convert hardly, scarcely, barely, merely, rarely, seldom 语法词汇 subject predicate object attributive adverbial complement an added word or expression by which a predication is made complete (as president in “they elected him president” and beautiful in “he thought here beautiful”) objective complement A noun, an adjective, or a pronoun serving as a complement to a verb and qualifying its direct object, as governor in They elected him governor. subjective complement A grammatical complement relating to the subject of an intransitive verb, as sick in He had fallen sick. participle gerund infinitive auxiliary verb A verb, such as have, can, or will, that accompanies the main verb in a clause and helps to make distinctions in mood, voice, aspect, and tense. preposition In some languages, a word placed before a substantive and indicating the relation of that substantive to a verb, an adjective, or another substantive. marginal preposition about, concerning, regarding, in regard to, with respect to, in reference to, as to If you have any information concerning the recent incident at the station, please contact the police at once. The company is being questioned regarding its employment policy. except, with the exception of, excepting, bar, barring They were all saved excepting the captain. Everyone is leaving the village, bar the very old and ill. I cannot understand why anybody, barring a masochist, would want to play such a violent game. We should arrive at ten o’clock, barring any unexpected delays. considering, given, respecting Conside


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