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Inaugural Address I. Choose the one which is equal to the word given blow: 1. inaugural A. holy and sacred place in a church B. formal speech made by a person on taking office C. shelter from trouble, danger D. talk for the purpose of teaching 2. sovereign A. self-governing B. self-sufficient C. self-centered D. self-respected 3. subversion A. rebuilding B. succession C. destroying D. salvage 4. invective A. beautiful words B. facial expressions C. convincing speech D. abusive language 5. invoke A. call forth B. take down C. put up D. take the form of 6. prescribe A. order or direct B. produce C. protect D. agree 7. tribulation A. contribution B. delivery C. distribution D. great difficulty or trouble 8. adversary A. a person who gives advice B. a friend C. an enemy D. a listener 9. civility A. rough manners B. polite behaviour C. polite citizen D. rude person 10. engulf A. swallow up B. consider about C. clean up D. imprint on 11. heed A. rise on feet B. strike on the head C. give new life and strength D. pay attention to 12. shield A. person or thing that protects B. a court order prohibiting or ordering a given action C. a person or animal inhabiting a specified place D. an apparatus used in inhaling medicinal vapors 13. asunder A. from below B. apart in direction or position C. in or to a low place D. from an upright position 14. belabour A. ask sb. to work hard B. set upon with too much talk C. furnish with power D. force upon others 15. eradicater A. cut into many small parts B. go round in circle C. draw together into a small space D. put an end to; destroy 16. observe A. celebrate B. preserve C. orate D. help 17. almighty A. intensive B. all-powerfu C. instructive D. all-round 18. symbolize A. make signa B. show pity C. represent D. present 19.


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