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wordlist 5 bewilder 迷惑,混乱 wilder 荒野 bewildered by baffle 迷惑的to perplex or confuse especially by a complexity, variety, or multitude of objects or considerations bibliography 参考书目 bilio-书 Bible 圣经the works or a list of the works referred to in a text or consulted by the author in its production bibliophile 爱书者 phil-爱 bicker 争吵 cocker 可卡,溺爱 bi-二 petulant quarreling : ALTERCATION bid 出价 bifurcate 分叉 bi- 二 to divide into two branches or parts bigot 盲信者 (助记)两边都可以得到a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices bile 愤怒,胆汁 联想—nubile 适婚女孩 habile 娴熟 labile 易变的inclination to anger (助记)口诀:愤怒bile,适婚女孩nubile,娴熟habile,不稳易变labile bilingual 两种语言的 dialect 方言 bilk 躲债 bill 帐单to evade payment of or to *bilks his creditors* bin 大箱子 联想—binge 狂欢 forge 伪造 barge 驳船 tinge 挑染 twinge 心痛 badge 徽章a box, frame, crib, or enclosed place used for storage 口诀:箱里的哥哥在狂欢,为了哥哥去伪造,哥哥拿着棍子进驳船,拿着锡桶去微染, 有罪的哥哥被烧焦,双胞胎的哥哥心里剧痛,坏哥哥却得了军功章。 biosphere 生命层 atmosphere 大气层 hemisphere 半球 hemi-半 semi- 半 semiskilled the part of the world in which life can exist biped 二足动物 centipede 蜈蚣 ped-脚 podiatrist 足病科医生 pedagogy 教育学 impede 阻碍a two-footed animal bizarre 古怪的 pizza 皮萨strikingly out of the ordinary: as a : odd, extravagant, or eccentric in style or mode b : involving sensational contrasts or incongruities blade 刀锋 bla-白 alb-白 blanch 变白 blanc 白 blank 空格 breach 裂缝to take the color out of bland 无味的 bla-白smooth and soothing in manner or quality *a bland smile* blandishment 奉承to act or speak in a flattering or coaxing manner blasphemy 亵渎 blast 炸坏the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for God last 最后 blast 爆炸 clast 碎石头 elastic 松紧带 (助记)口诀:只有last 持续最后,无法持续只能爆炸,炸开了岩石成碎片,前天后加成便灵活 blatant 炫耀的completely obvious, conspicuous, or obtrusive especially in a crass or offensive manner : BRAZEN blazon 纹章 blaze 火焰the proper description or representation of heraldic or armorial bearings bleach 漂白 clear clarify bla-


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