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有关昆曲的英语原著和英译本的词汇级别之二 张铁城2016、10、28发送 No.12第十一章 在跨文化交际中探索运用真实英语 之二No.12A1第一节 昆曲简介(维基百科 英语文本) (二)Kunqu From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia的词汇级别统计如下【续】 (一)一级词汇统计:160个单词 【在这里,你将看到 “全国山河一片红”。】 From, the free A from The also known as, is one of the oldest forms of. It from the, and from the to the centuries. The style in the area. It is as one of the of the and of by since History , a of A of was developed during the early century), and a early was of town in has on many other forms, including. Its in the second Era of. However, by the early century, it had nearly, which was only by attempts to it during the. Today, is in cities:, County/ and, as well as in professional(★★) societies are active in many other cities in and abroad, and companies. There are many plays that continue to be today, including The and The(, which were written for the stage. In addition, many and, such as of the Three , Water and to the were very early into pieces. Its or is one of the Great in (二)二级词汇统计:32个单词 【在这里,你将看到 “蓝星点点无依靠”。】 scene theatre cultural . famous influenced theatre disappeared, Cultural Revolution. performed major (Northern Theatre), ( Theatre), ( Theatre), (Theatre), (Theatre), ( Theatre)). occasionally tour. famous Fan, originally stories, Journey West Characteristic . (三)三级词汇统计:11个单词 【在这里,你将看到 “粉色桃花随风飘”。】 dominated Golden drama.. ( Province), classical novels Kingdoms, Margin adapted tune (四)(★)级词汇统计:20个单词 【在这里,你将看到 “棕色麻袋尘埃闹”。】 encyclopedia Opera, opera. evolved originated Masterpieces Oral Heritage Humanity performers pioneer Opera emergence. deliberate suppress opera opera Romance, dramatic opera. (五)无级别词汇统计86个单词 【在这里,你将看到 “漫天黑词意难表”。】 Kunqu Wikipedia, Peony Pavilion Kunqu (pinyin: Kūnqǔ; Wade-Giles: kun-chü), Kunju, Kun Kunqu extant Chinese. Kunshan melody, Chinese Wu . Intangible UNESCO Gu Jian, Yuan dynasty playwright Kunqu Kunqu portrayal Hu Sanniang Kunqu Ming Dynasty Gu Jian Qiandeng Kunshan. Kunqu Chinese, Jingju (Peking ushered Chine


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