英语专四练习sublist 4 exercise with keys.doc

英语专四练习sublist 4 exercise with keys.doc

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英语专四练习sublist 4 exercise with keys

Sublist 4 access adequate annual apparent approximate attitudes attributed civil code commitment communication concentration conference contrast cycle debate despite dimension domestic emerge error ethnic goal grant hence hypothesis implementation implication impose integration internal investigation job label mechanism obvious occupational option output overall parallel parameter phase predict principal prior professional project promote regime resolution retain series statistics status stress subsequent sum summary undertake Exercise 1 attribute access domestic occupy internal promote hence phase confer status 1.. Theres something wrong with our Internet connection; I cant _______________ my e-mail account. access 2. Karen _______________ the failure of her marriage to her husbands inability to accept her change from a mother to a businesswoman. attributed 3. The airline has more than 100 _______________ flights a day. domestic 4. The students were well-prepared for the exam, _______________ their high scores. hence 5. Children need something to _______________ their time; otherwise, they get bored. occupy 6. The Russian president flew to Washington this morning to _______________ with the American president on the crisis developing in the Middle East. confer 7. Doctors and lawyers are high _______________ jobs in our society. status 8. One of the goals of the United Nations is to _______________ respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. promote 9. Most teenagers go through a _______________ in which they argue a lot with their parents. phase 10. The driver of the car suffered minor _______________ injuries from his seatbelt, but was otherwise okay. internal 11. The sculpture was originally thought to be a work of Michelangelo, but is now _______________ to a student of the master. attributed 12. Electrical burns often look


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