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Lesson 1Wildadj. wild animals or plants live or grow in natural surroundings and are not taken care of by people. (动物或植物) 野生的例:We saw two more wild cats creeping toward us in the darkness.我们看见还有两只野猫在黑暗中向我们爬来。adj. wild land is natural and is not used by people. 荒芜的例:...a wild area of woods and lakes.…一片荒芜的森林和湖泊区域。3.adj. wild is used to describe the weather or the sea when it is stormy. (天气或海面) 狂风暴雨的例:The wild weather did not deter some people from taking an unseasonable dip in the sea.狂风暴雨的天气并没有使一些不合时宜地到海里游泳的人却步。4.adj. Wild behaviour is uncontrolled, excited, or energetic. (行为) 狂热的例:The children are wild with joy.孩子们欣喜若狂.5.adj. If you describe someone or their behaviour as wild, you mean that they behave in a very uncontrolled way. (指人或其行为) 疯狂的例:The house is in a mess after a wild party.一次疯狂的聚会之后,房子里一片狼藉。6.adj. A wild idea is unusual or extreme. A wild guess is one that you make without much thought. 不寻常的 (想法); 胡乱的 (猜测)例:Brownings prediction is no better than a wild guess.布朗宁的预言只不过是胡乱猜测而已。7.n. The wilds of a place are the natural areas that are far away from cities and towns. 荒野例:They went canoeing in the wilds of Canada.他们在加拿大的荒野地区划独木舟。8.adv. 狂热地 wildly例:As she finished each song, the crowd clapped wildly.她每唱完一首歌,人群就狂热地鼓起掌来。9.adv. 疯狂地 wildly例:Five people were injured as Reynolds slashed out wildly with a kitchen knife.五个人因雷诺兹拿着菜刀疯狂乱砍而受伤。10.adv. 不寻常地; 胡乱地 wildly例:Thirteen? he guessed wildly.“十三?”他胡乱猜道。11.phrase Animals that live in the wild live in a free and natural state and are not taken care of by people. 处于野生状态例:Fewer than a thousand giant pandas still live in the wild.不到1000只的大熊猫还处于野生状态。Spot1.N-COUNT Spots are small, round, coloured areas on a surface. 斑点例:The leaves have yellow areas on the top and underneath are powdery orange spots.叶子上端有黄色斑块,下方有粉状橙色斑点。2.N-COUNT Spots on a persons skin are small lumps or marks. (皮肤上的) 小疙瘩; 斑例:My brothers face was covered with spots.我弟弟曾满脸疙瘩。3.N-COUNT You can refer to a particular place as a spot. 地点例:They stayed at se


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