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ACT 3-1 “感恩祷告” 【故事梗概】 Stewart一家以及Harry和Michelle在吃感恩节晚餐前,在进行感恩祈祷。大家在轮流说出自己最深切的感受和美好的愿望。 Philip: OK, everybody. I want to welcome Harry and his daughter Michelle to Thanksgiving with us. Harry: Thank you, Dr. Stewart. Philip: Call me Philip. Harry: OK. Philip: But first, I think we should take a moment and remember the meaning of Thanksgiving. Harry: Philip, I took Michelle to a school play about the first Thanksgiving. Philip: Well, why dont you tell us about that, Michelle? Michelle: Thanksgiving was about the Pilgrims, the first settlers in America. They shared the first harvest with the Indians and gave thanks. Philip: All right. Then in that spirit lets each of us give thanks. Each in his own way. Who wants to begin? Grandpa: I will. I give thanks for being here with my family and for being well, so I can enjoy you all. Robbie: All right! We love you, Grandpa. Susan: Id like to give thanks for a healthy year, a good job, and for meeting Harry and Michelle. Harry: Wed like to give thanks for meeting Susan and the Stewart family. Michelle: I love you, Daddy. Susan: Thanks, Harry. That was very kind of you. Robbie: Id like to give thanks for Grandpa coming to live with us. And Id also like to thank my math teacher for giving me a passing grade. And call me, Alexandra. Ellen: Oh, Robbie! Grandpa: Shell call. 【语言点精讲】 1. Well, why dont you tell us about that, Michelle? Why dont you do...?(为什么不做...呢?)是一种比较委婉的请某人做某事的说法。 2. Thanksgiving was about the Pilgrims, the first settlers in America. They shared the first harvest with the Indians and gave thanks. 感恩节是打清教徒前辈移民时候开始的,他们是北美大陆的第一批移民。他们同印第安人分享了第一次收获,以表示感谢之情。 这里Michelle讲述了感恩节的由来。 pilgrim: 最初的移民。P大写时,指1620年移居美国的英国清教徒。 settler: 移居者。 3. Then in that spirit lets each of us give thanks. Each in his own way. 那么让我们每一个人都以同样的心情表示感谢,每一个人都说自己心里的话。 晚餐开始之前,Philip在主持家中的感恩祷告(Say Grace)。感恩宴前,一般都要进行感恩祷告。祷告一般由家长执行,有时请客人来做。内容大致为: 主啊,感谢您赐予我们这顿晚餐,您使我们有幸享用它,阿门(Dear Lord,we thank Thee for this food.Please bless it for our use,Amen.)这是非常传统、正式的仪


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