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阅读理解基本技巧 阅读理解在英语考试中历来占有很大的分量,其重要性自不待言。许多学生对阅读往往存在一些误解,简单地以为只要掌握了词汇和语法就可解决问题,因而不了解如何运用主动的阅读方法来有效地进行阅读和解答相关的题型,无论阅读能力还是答题的准确性都相应地不那么令人满意。所以,了解并熟练掌握阅读方法是有效阅读的关键。 考试中的阅读涉及到精读和略读,这要求速度和理解达到有效地统一。 猜测生词含义 阅读理解中的词汇考题属于超纲词汇 依据具体的语境确定其意义 定义或解释 当文章出现生僻单词时,多数情况下,作者会利用同位语、定语从句,或具体举例等对该词进行解释或提供同义词,解释的部分有时也会放在紧随相关词语后的破折号、括号中。 例1 Botany, the study of plants, occupies an important position in the history of human knowledge. 例2 The explanation, if it seems consistently to fit the various facts, is called a hypothesis. 例3 Mr. Jackson is an oculist, who specializes in the treatment of eye disease. Energy can be transformed or changed from one type to another. 例5 The manager felt that the situation was helpless, and the futility of his efforts bothered him a great deal. 例6 Job-hopping moving form job to job is quite acceptable in the United States. 例7 By freeing the child from its evil nature, parents believed they could then guide the child into acquiring the right character traits, such as honesty, industriousness, and diligence. 对立与反义关系 另一种较为常见的语境线索是对比与反义,即将意义互为对立的语句或矛盾双方并列在一起。根据上下文的这种关系,可由一方的语义推理出其对立面词语的含义。 Man is surprised to find that things near are less beautiful and wondrous than things remote. The storm of change, far from abating, now seems to be growing stronger. Twice before she had seen Joe’s hopes soar as high as the stars, and then sink to the depths. To everyone’s surprise the speed was eulogistic rather than critical in tone. Through the thick gloom of the present I see the brightness of the future as the sun in heaven. Some people enjoy talking about their fears while others resent being asked to discuss their personal feelings. A good manager can recognize instantly the adept workers from the unskilled ones. 3. 因果关系 语境的因果关系也能提供重要的线索,无论是原因还是结果,只要知道其中一方的含义,就可推知所谈论的总的主题和相应另一方结果或原因的内容,这样所涉及到的生词的理解就变得容易许多。 例15 Most materials expand when they are heated and contract when they are cold. 例16 The people are so open-hearted and hospitabl


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