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2014-2015学年度六年级第二学期英语重点词汇和句型 Unit2 ’s talk about the past. 主要词汇 about 大约、大概,tell 告诉,live 居住,meat 肉、肉类,learn 学习,talk 谈论、谈话,man 人、人类,use 使用,wall 墙,sunny 阳光明媚的,plant(名)植物,(动)种植,water(名)水,(动)给…浇水,ago 在 …(一段时间)以前,fast 飞快地、迅速地,million 百万,slowly 缓慢地,topic 话题,dinosaur 恐龙、庞大而过时的东西,huge 巨大的、庞大的,bone 骨头,underground 在地面以下,Peking Man 北京猿人,ape 无尾猿、类人猿,cave 洞、洞穴,nearby 在附近,clothes 衣服,fur 毛皮,stone 石头,kill 杀死,fire 火,cook 烹饪、做饭,dig 挖,hole 洞、洞穴、坑,spade 铁铲、铁锹,(扑克牌中的)黑桃,fresh 新鲜的,homeland 家园 动词(原形 - 过去式): talk – talked learn – learned / learnt tell – told live – lived run – ran walk – walked can – could find – found make – made use – used get – got draw – drew wear – wore put – put read – read plant – planted want – wanted water – watered bring – brought take – took dig – dug work – worked count – counted stand – stood shout – shouted 主要词组: live millions of years ago 居住在数百万年以前,run fast 跑得飞快,walk slowly 慢慢走,eat grass / plants / meat 以草 / 植物 / 肉类为食,draw pictures on the wall 在墙上面画画,kill animals for food 杀死动物以取得食物,make fire to cook 生火做饭,make clothes from animal furs 用动物的毛皮做衣服,New Year’s Day 新年、元旦,the Spring Festival 春节,Tree Planting Day 植树节,Mother’s Day 母亲节,go to plant trees 去种树,dig holes in the ground 在地面上挖坑,put the trees into the holes 把树放进树坑里,water the trees 给树浇水,social studies field trip 社会实践性田野考察,talk about … 谈论 …(某事物),learn about … 学习 …(某事物),tell sb. about … 告诉某人 …(某事),millions of 数以百万计的,no more 不再…,live in a big cave 居住在一个大山洞里,make things out of stones 用石头制作器物,get water from the river nearby 从附近的河里取水,keep warm in winter 在冬季里保暖,art work 工艺品,stop the wind 挡风,make air fresh and clean 使空气变得更清新更干净,stand up 起立、站起来 主要句型和句子: The children learned about a very interesting topic. 孩子们学习了一个非常有趣的话题。 These animals are called dinosaurs. 这些动物被称作恐龙。 Peking Man lived about 300,000 to 500,000 years ago. 北京猿人居住在距今30至50万年以前。 His head was like a monkey’s. 他的头很像猴子的头。 Lisa and her parents saw some drawings on the cave wall; and they also saw some small art work


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