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英语翻译十二式 英文写作翻译 英文写作翻译 () 刪減解釋詞, 例子:, The traveller in the south must often have remarked that peculiar air of refinement, that softness of voice and manner, which seems in many cases to be a particular gift to the quotation and mulatto women., 到南方去的人看見那些黑白混血的女郎,準定會注意到她們十之八九都賦有那種獨特的優雅風度、那種柔和的聲調和文靜的舉止。, ***,(二) 同義反譯法, 例子:, 1. Only three customers remained in the bar., 酒吧間只有三個顧客還沒有走。(不譯:「還留著」或「還呆在那裡」), 2. Ill be here for good this time., 這一次我再也不走了。(不譯:「永遠在此呆下去」), 3. Please keep the fire burning when Im out., 我不在家的時候,請別讓爐子滅了。(不譯:「我外出時,請讓爐子繼續燒著」), 4. Wait, he is serious., 「等等,他不是說著玩兒的。」(不譯:「等等,他是認真的。」), 5. Now, Clara, be firm with the boy!, 「聽我說,克拉拉,對這孩子可不能心軟。」(不譯:「……對這孩子要堅定」), ***, 英文写作翻译 (三) 短句拆譯, 例子:, ...on one sunshiny morning in June , ..., 「在六月裡的一天早上,天氣晴朗,……」, ***, 英文写作翻译 (四) 譯詞推陳出新, 例子:, When he might well have acted with boldness, he found himself filled with doubts, scruples and equivocations, in addition to the ordinary fears of a lower., 原譯:當他可以大膽行動的時候,他發現自己除了一個情人所具有的那種普通的害怕之外,心裡還充滿懷疑、顧慮和躊躇。, 改譯:等到他不妨放膽去追求的時候,他卻遲疑不定,顧慮重重。至於一般墮入情網的人那種種常有的提心吊膽的心理,那就更是難免的了。, 原詞 原譯 改譯 英文写作翻译 when 當……的時候 等到……的時候 英文写作翻译 act with boldness 大膽行動 放膽去追求 英文写作翻译 a lover 一個情人 一般墮入情網的人 英文写作翻译 ordinary fears 普通的害怕 種種常有的提心吊膽的心理 英文写作翻译 in addition to 除了……之外 那就更是難免的了 , ***, 英文写作翻译 (五) 解釋性添詞, 例子:, George, Im ashamed of you! George, I couldnt have believed you would have done it! I always knew you to be a rolling stone that gathered no moss; but I never thought you would have taken away what little moss there was for Bagnet and the children to lie upon, said Mrs. Bagnet., 「喬治,我真替你害臊﹗喬治,想不到你會幹出這種事情來﹗俗話說得好:『滾著的碌碡不長苔,流浪的漢子不攢財。』我早曉得你就是這麼一個流浪漢﹗可真沒有想到你連貝格納特和孩子們靠它過活的那一點點財也騙走,」貝格納特太太說道。, ***, 英文写作翻译 (六) 詞無定譯, 例子:, It is quite useless to ask whether Vanderbilt was criminally prosecuted or civilly sued by the Government. Not only was he unmolested, but two years later, he carried on another huge swindle upon the Government under peculiary heinous conditions., 我們根本不必追問政府是否根據刑法或民法對范德比爾特提出起訴。范德比爾特不僅逍遙法外,而且在


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