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Peumayen古典餐厅 Peumayen古典餐厅大力弘扬前西班牙统治时期的智利烹饪文化,并将这种美食文化体现在餐厅的选材、烹饪工艺以及准备工作上;与此同时,餐厅积极吸取现代智利美食的特色,为顾客们呈现出一种深深植根于智利古典烹饪的现代智利美食。 地址:智利圣地亚哥Constitucion路136号 人均消费:20-40美元(约合人民币122-244元) 类型:智利美食 Peumayen Ancestral Food The result of a thorough investigation of Chile culinary roots, reflected in a menu that combines products, techniques and original preparations of the main pre-Hispanic cultures in Chile with a contemporary touch. Constitucion 136, Barrio Bellavista. Providencia, Santiago 7520367 , Chile Price range: $20 - $40 Cuisine: Chile, 大阪餐厅 大阪餐厅主要经营日式和秘鲁美食,以及日本和秘鲁混合美味,并且这家餐厅在圣地亚哥地区相当受欢迎。餐厅著名的主厨Ciro Watanabe先生,厨艺精湛,巧妙地将日本、中国、泰国和秘鲁一些特色风味糅合在了一起,给你一次不一样的美食体验。除此之外,餐厅还有一面不断流动的水墙,厅内木制品也装饰得非常漂亮非常清新,为顾客营造了一个非常柔和的用餐环境。 地址:智利圣地亚哥Isidora Goyenechea路3000号 人均消费:主食10-25美元(约合人民币61-152元) 类型:秘鲁美食,亚洲美食 Osaka Nikkei cuisine from Peru, a fusion of Peruvian and Japanese cuisines, is taking the capital by storm. Renowned chef Ciro Watanabe takes you on an epicurean exploration that melds harmoniously unique elements from Peruvian, Thai, Chinese and Japanese cuisine into what can only be called “sublime inspirations.” The Zen space has a wall fountain that soothes with a constant flow of trickling water and is decorated in handsome, subdued colors of green and natural wood. Isidora Goyenechea 3000, Las Condes | W Santiago, Santiago, Chile (Las Condes) Cuisines: Peruvian, Asian fusion Average Price: Main Course US$ 10 - 25 Bocanariz餐厅 智利是世界上第七大葡萄酒制造国,但在圣地亚哥要找到一家地道的本地出产葡萄酒,却是非常难的。然而,Bocanariz餐厅为当地人带来了福音。就在去年,葡萄酒生产商Daniela Lorenzo和Katherine Hidalgo和餐厅老板Jêrome Reynes合作,填补了这一智利葡萄酒供应的空白,理所当然的,餐厅迅速成为整个圣地亚哥地区品智利酒的最佳地方。此外,餐厅美食菜单清楚地将菜品分为九种:碘化、味淡、多油、腌制、烟熏、酸甜、辣、炖、甜,方便顾客选择。 地址:智利圣地亚哥Jose Victorino Lastarria路276号 人均消费:16.3美元(约合人民币99元) 类型:智利美食 Bocanariz Chile is the seventh largest wine producer on the planet. Yet, until recently, finding a wine bar in its capital city that showcased the premier pours of this homegrown commodity (or any decent bottles, for that matter) was oddly next to impossible. Thankf


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