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The Gamification of the Office Approaches “游戏化”办公时代即将来临? Is your job a game? Should it be? 工作就像是玩游戏?应该是这样吗? Imagine if at the office you were made to feel like you were playing Candy Crush Saga. Envision that every one of your professional endeavors was meticulously tracked and measured in points, that there were levels to complete and you were given prizes for excellence. That every workplace action provided a tangible sensation of winning or losing as part of a system engineered to keep you addicted, thrilled to come back every morning. 想象一下,你在办公室干活时就像是在玩《糖果粉碎传奇》(Candy Crush Saga),你的每一项专业努力都会被严谨地追踪,并给出分数,每打一关,都会因为表现卓越获得奖品。公司的所有行动都让人有实实在在的输赢之感,而这正是旨在让你上瘾、激发你每天早上回来上班的系统的一部分。 If your job worked like that, would you become a better employee? Or would you feel just the opposite-crushed by metrics, constantly watched over, infantilized by your bosss attempt to turn you into an automaton? 如果有一份这样的工作,你会变成更上进的员工吗?还是恰恰相反──被标准化的要求摧残,时时刻刻受到监督,因老板想把你变成自动工具而被当成幼儿对待? Im asking you as if your opinion here matters. In fact, it does not. All evidence suggests that your work one day will operate like a videogame to be conquered, rather than a craft to be perfected. 我这样问你,好像你的看法很重要似的,但实际上并不重要。所有证据表明,有一天你的工作会像一个需要通关的视频游戏,而不是一件有待完善的工艺品。 The high-level name for this trend is gamification, an ugly neologism that has seen terrific hype and terrific backlash in Silicon Valley over the past few years. The term refers to transferring the features that motivate players in videogames-achievement levels, say, or a constantly running score-into nongame settings. Gamification systems are possible because much of what we do in the workplace is conducted through software that can track our productivity, constantly measure our value and apply incentives that prod us to do better. 这种趋势的专业名词是“游戏化”,这个晦涩的新词过去几年在硅谷被大炒特炒,同时也受到强烈抵制。它指的是把视频游戏中激励玩家的那些指标(如过关水平或累计得分)拿到游戏外。实现工作体系的游戏化之所以可能,是因为我们在公司做的许多工作都是通过软件完成的,这些软件可追踪我们的干活效率,频繁衡量我们的价值,并采取激励机制来敦促我们更上一层楼。 At the moment, the stats on gamifications effectiveness


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