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Chapter 3 Morphology Part1 the Overview Part2 Linguistician——Leonard Bloomfield Leonard Bloomfield (1887-1949) was the most influential American linguist between William Dwight Whitney (1827-1894) and Noam Chomsky (1928- ). Leonard Bloomfield led the development of structural linguistics?in the United States during the 1930s and the 1940s. His influential textbook?Language, published in 1933, presented a comprehensive description of American structural linguistics.[1]?He made significant contributions to?Indo-European historical linguistics, the description of?Austronesian languages, and description of languages of the?Algonquian?family. Bloomfields approach to linguistics was characterized by its emphasis on the?scientific?basis of linguistics, adherence to?behaviorism?especially in his later work, and emphasis on formal procedures for the analysis of linguistic data. The influence of Bloomfieldian structural linguistics declined in the late 1950s and 1960s as the theory of?Generative Grammar?developed by?Noam Chomsky?came to predominate. Part Four Exercise(chosen in P40) 1. a. micro+film b. bed+raggle+d c. announce+ment d. pre+digest+tion e. tele+communicate+tion f. fore+father g. psycho+physics h. machine+ist 2.(1)suffix?: -bot Meaning?: robot Stem type?:added to verbs Example: knowbot, ”intelligent robot” 3(2)prefix : of- Meaning : office Stem type: added to blending part of a word Example: oftel, “official telephone” Conclusion: Prefixation: adding a prefix to the base, with or without a change of word-class(e.g.: normal---abnormal)(modify the lexical meaning of the base) Suffixation: adding a suffix to the base, with or without a change of word-class (e.g.: act---actor)(not modify the lexical meaning of the base) Part Two Concepts: Morphology is the branch of linguistics which studies the grammar that is concerned with word formation and word structure. Words can be divided into two classes: open class and close class. Open class words can be also calle


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