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第一至第三单元 Keys to unit 1 Text A 1) Omit. 2) Economics studies the choices made by people who are faced with scarcity. 3) Scarcity is a situation in which resources are limited and can be used in different ways, so we must sacrifice one thing for another. 4) The resources are limited, and they can be used in different ways. 5) Omit. 6) Because of scarcity, people must make difficult choices: You must decide how to spend your time; the city must decide how to use its land. 7) Omit. 8) Together, the choices made by individuals, firms, and governments determine societys choices 9) 1. What goods and services do we produce? 2. How do we produce these goods and services? 3. Who consumes the goods and services that are produced? 10) For example, if we devote more resources to medical care, we have fewer resources for education and consumer goods. If we increase the number of people working in factories, we have fewer people to work on farms and in the classroom. Ⅱ. Translate the followings: Part A 1)财政顾问 3)财力 5)金融资本 7)金融市场 9)金融政策 11)周期性失业 13)结构性失业 15)失业人数 17)国会选举 19)政府规模 2)金融体系 4)财务 6)金融危机 8)金融风险 10)失业率 12)季节性失业 14)技术改进引起的失业 16)汽车信贷 18)竞选活动 20)精简政府 PartB 1) economic concerns 3) economic climate 5) economic expansion 7) economic indicator 9) natural resources 11) scarcity 13) trade-off 15) process a loan 17) medical care 19) civilian pursuits 2) economic issue 4) economic community 6) economic growth 8) the state of economy 10) human resources 12) raise money 14) mortgage loan 16) loan capital 18) military pursuits 20) educational pursuits Part C 1) 人类有多种需要和需求。经济学仅仅关注人的物质需求。这些需求可以通过消费商品来得到满足——或者是实货(有形商品,如食物),或者是服务(无形商品,如供热)。 2) 所有的社会都存在三个共同的基本问题,即:生产什么、怎样生产和为谁生产。前两个问题代表的是生产,而第三个问题则代表的是分配。 3) 人类的需要和需求几乎是无限的,然而不幸的是,人们发现自己的资源很缺乏。 4) 如果我们的资源缺乏,那就意味着我们不得不做出一个选择。如果约翰想把他的钱用在购书和学习上,那就意味着他买不起他想要的摩托车了。 5) 经济学中最为古老的话题也许就是为什么有些国家富有,而其他国家贫穷。有一点没有异议,那就是在许多发展中国家里,受过高等教育的劳动者稀缺。 6) 那些研究过欧洲年轻人高失业率现象的经济学家,把导致长期失业的重要因素归咎于工作技能和良好工作习惯(如按时上班)的缺失。 Part D 1) Helen bought a three


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