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大连海事大学 毕 业 论 文 二○一一年六月 客轮制冷系统常见的故障分析及处理 勤 学 苦 练 能 成 功 专业班级: 姓 名: 赵君明 指导教师: 韩彩娟 大连海事大学 客轮制冷系统常见的故障分析及处理 赵君明 摘 要:客轮的制冷系统由制冷剂和四大机件,即压缩机,冷凝器,膨胀阀,蒸发器组成。制冷机的制冷原理压缩机的作用是把压力较低的蒸汽压缩成压力较高的蒸汽,使蒸汽的体积减小,压力升高。压缩机吸入从蒸发器出来的较低压力的工质蒸汽,使之压力升高后送入冷凝器,在冷凝器中冷凝成压力较高的液体,经节流阀节流后,成为压力较低的液体后,送入蒸发器,在蒸发器中吸热蒸发而成为压力较低的蒸汽,再送入蒸发器的入口,从而完成制冷循环。从实际运行中遇到的问题,主要针对制冷量不足,冰塞,油压不正常,压缩机的响声不正常及轴封渗漏这几方面的故障进行了分析研究,介绍了制冷系统常见故障的判断方法及解决措施。 关键词:制冷量;传热面;运行工况 Analysis and remove the commonmal function of the refrigerating system Zhaojunming Abstract:The liner refrigeration system by refrigerants and the four parts, namely the compressor, the condenser, evaporator, of the expansion valve.Tube refrigerator compressor principle is the role of the pressure is low pressure steam compressed into high steam, the steam of a decrease in the size, pressure increases.Compressor suction from evaporator out of the low pressure steam, the working medium of increased pressure after the cold in the condenser to the liquid, high pressure condensed the throttle valve throttling, as pressure lower liquid, to the evaporator, in the evaporator heat absorption and evaporation and be in low pressure steam, again into the evaporator entrance, thus completing refrigeration circulation. This article introduces refrigerating system and analyzes some proplems,such as the refrigerating is inadequate,ice jam,the oil pressure isn’t normal,the sound of the compressor isn’t nomr al and the glnad has seepage exist in it.It also introduces the judgement method for commonmal function. Keywords:refrigerating;heatpassageface;nlnworkingcondition 目 录 蒸汽压缩式制冷原理………………………………………………………………… 5 2. 冷系统主要部件构成………………………………………………………………… 5 3. 常用制冷剂及其性质………………………………………………………………… 5 4. 压缩冷凝机组有关温度变化对制冷系统的影响…………………………………… 6 5. 蒸发机组的有关温度变化对制冷系统的影响……………………………………… 7 6. 客轮冷库制冷系统冰塞故障分析、处理及预防…………………………………… 7 7. 环境温度的影响……………………………………………………………………… 10


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